13 - Glint Presence

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"I'm not going to leave you"


"I'm not going to that room" Jin states, fierce.

Jin is always fierce. As a kid and also as an adult. When he was younger and his mother was with him, he became fierce because he need to protect her from that man, and now if he become ones, he clearly shows them he is not a doll for them to play with.

That room. Namjoon knows what Jin means by that room. It is not the room where the equipments are in, it's the empty dark room in the basement in which they used to lock the latter in.

"We are not going to that room, it's the room you woke up today" Namjoon explains.

Jin is surprise. First Jimin and now him? What is going on with them?

"Do you want to walk on your own or do you want me to help?" Namjoon asks.

Jin shrugs, he stands by his own and limping like how he did the first time he woke up today. The thing is, over excited dog whether they are small or big, can cause accident. Namjoon walks slightly behind Jin with the over excited small dog running around here and there.

That is when, Tannie walks through Jin's unstable legs causing him to fell down on the floor.

Jin yelps in pain, causing Namjoon to dash forward, his eyes is at the same level as Jin's eyes. He could tell it hurts Jin a lot judging by the unshed tears and the hand on his chest area. Quickly Namjoon pulls out his phone and start dialling whoever numbers first pop up on his phone. It's Taehyung.

"I need noona now" Namjoon says, short.

Before Taehyung could ask, his brain process the tone Namjoon gives to him. Something is not right. Without wasting time, Taehyung cuts off the phone call and straight away dials the number.

It is surprising at how fast MinAh answer the phone call.

"Noona-" Taehyung says in rush.

"Open the door you idiot. I left my coat on the couch" MinAh replies as soon as that, she didn't notice the panic tone in Taehyung's voice when he said that to her.

Without more than 15 seconds, the door was being open and Taehyung grabs MinAh's hand, dragging the lady before she could say anything.

"What is going on?" MinAh asks.

When Taehyung started dragging her with him, she knows something must be happening. And that, she didn't like it at all. It must be Jin.

"What happened to him? He is sleeping right?" MinAh says, concern.

She was there a moment ago, she checked everything about Jin and Jin was sleeping. What could have happened when she is gone for short while?

"I don't know yet, Namjoon hyung says he need you" Taehyung replies.

And a few steps after they reached the reading room. No time is being waste, Taehyung push open the door with Namjoon calming Jin down in their sight. Quickly she dash forward checking on the already injured younger brother.

"Let me see" she says gently while peeling Jin's hand from his chest area. Slowly and gently she press the area in which Jin gives reaction to her. It must be the pain from the still healing broken ribs.

"Help me get him to the room" she says to both Namjoon and Taehyung in which the two didn't argue back nor ignore her request.

By the time they are already in the room Jin woke up in, the first thing MinAh did was to attach the pulse oximeter on Jin. Then she proceeds her work.

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