04 - Torment

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"I make no mistakes"


Jin lost track of time since he had been locked up in that room. The last time he knew what time it was, was when he just stepped into this house. His eyes read the clock in the living room where he first met the taller guy together with the rest of his members.

It was close to 12 at noon if he was not mistaken, and now he didn't even know what time it is.

Being tortured is a pain but being left alone without water is much, much worse especially when he has a sore throat to begin with since he got the allergy last night.

With every cough, the pain in his throat increases. Jin knows it is long enough since they left him alone and if they have any sympathy or any feeling they should at least give him some water.

Well, just right after Jin thought about that, the same guy who dragged Jimin away from him came to the room with a tray of food and some water.

"Stop making Jimin annoyed with you. He will really kill you if you keep getting on his nerves." Hoseok says while setting the food beside him.

"Why am I here? I did nothing wrong to you and them. I don't even know you guys," Jin asks right after that, giving no mind to the warning.

"You have to pay the price for your father's deed-" Hoseok replies.

"I don't have a father." Jin cuts.

"Stop protecting your father!" Hoseok shouts, losing his patience with this human being in front of him.

"I'm not! You should know yourself. You have every access to dig deeper. You got me by doing that but you failed to search for the most important details. Such a shame." Jin replies.

A slap across his face. Hoseok slaps him, glaring hard. How dare this man insult them?

"I got enough of you," Hoseok says, walking closer and closer before he kneels down right in front of Jin.

He takes a handful of the food he brought in just now and shoves the food onto Jin's face. Thankfully Hoseok didn't spill much of the precious water.

The first thing Jin did right after Hoseok left, was of course to drink the water calming his sore throat. After that, he ate the leftover food silently. It is uncomfortable with the chain but he makes it work.

On the other hand, Hoseok walks to the living room in which he found Yoongi and Namjoon talking about something.

"Tell me every detail you have of him," Hoseok urges them, especially Yoongi.

"All of a sudden?" Yoongi says while frowning at the sudden behaviour of Hoseok.

"What do you know about him?" Hoseok asks again, wanting to know more other than the man they locked up in the room is the son of that bastard.

It was silent for a moment before Yoongi started to speak.

"There is not much about him. That man really hides everything from the world. Completely everything. I can't even get the access to dig deeper about his son's history of schooling, his national registration. Much to say, there is nothing about him and his family, friends or anyone he knew is related to his son." Yoongi explains.

"Are you sure the man in there-" Hoseok points out to the door before continuing his sentence, "is his son?"

"I make no mistakes" Yoongi replies short and sharp at Hoseok's question.

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