09 - Au Revoir

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"I promised his mother"


The dog, Tannie has been barking for awhile waking up everyone in the house early at the morning. Yes, Taehyung took care of the dog because he grow fond of the little dog. When the morning approach, everyone gathers at the kitchen for their simple breakfast, the dog too.

But the dog is not eating the food he's been given by Jungkook, instead he keep barking.

"Now what will you do to him?" Hoseok asks to Namjoon, ignoring the small barking sound of the dog while eyeing the bandage on Namjoon's arm.

"I'm going to teach him a lesson" Namjoon replies while eyeing the food.

His gaze is something else. Namjoon's gaze is something else and that is the first thing someone could tell the moment they meet Namjoon. He is intimidating to be close too.

The dog has been barking for awhile now but this time, the dog might be a little annoyed by them for ignoring him, so he bites Jungkook's pants when Jungkook is standing at the counter, preparing food for their prisoner. Jungkook half heartedly push the dog away while continuing his action before his eyes catch to where the dog has been barking for awhile.

Tannie is barking at the door. Yes, the door to the basement room and it's been awhile. Without thinking much, Jungkook walks there with the tray of food while Tannie is impatiently tailing after him. Jungkook almost tripped when the dog run past his legs to the room barking at Jin, playing around the latter's leg.

Something is different in there.

Quietly Jungkook nudge Jin a little to wake him up for his food.


Jin didn't respond to him.

Jungkook's hand accidentally touch the skin on Jin's hand and he feel it. Jin is burning. When Jungkook's brain is fully processing the situation, he panics.

"Wake up" Jungkook tries, his voice come out loud.

But again, Jin is not responding. With the little natural light there, Jungkook carefully eyes Jin from up to toe. He is sweating, he is sweating a lot.

Jungkook's mind just play a big role in this situation sensing that something is absolutely wrong. Quickly he takes Jin's hand in his hand but the cuff is there. His fingers was placed on Jin's pulse point.

Jungkook can't catch it, the pulse. The dog is still barking making Jungkook alarmed at the situation. He places his ear closer to Jin. He can hear the faint breathing. Too faint.

"Hyung!" Jungkook shouts all his might.

"Get me the key!" Jungkook shouts again.

Yoongi come in with the key of the chain in which he watch the view.

"Call her, now" Jungkook says in rush while taking off the chain from Jin's hands and legs.

It didn't take much time to do that, gently and quickly Jungkook carry the eldest in his hand. It looks alarming and it looks so wrong. Jungkook runs passed everything to their room.

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