12 - The Scar

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"Is it going to stay like that?"


"Close your eyes and have a rest. I will be here" Jimin says again, reassure Jin to go back to sleep.

It's true anyway. Jimin did stay with Jin because by the time Jin blinks open his eyes again when the room is no longer dim, Jimin is there with him.

It is uncomfortable for Jin but also weirdly comfortable when Jin woke up, feeling his hand in someone's hand again like how it used to with Jungkook's hand. But this time it's Jimin of course.

It is uncomfortable to know that someone who used to tortured him before is holding his hand now and it is comfortable to know that someone is there with him.

Jin tried to sit up on his own, slowly peeling away his hand from Jimin's hand in which of course cause Jimin to be awake. When Jin hiss in pain a little, that was when Jimin become more alert, his eyes are no longer heavy and screaming for more sleep.

The past few days, Jimin is as close as having no time to sleep at all, whether it is because he feels guilty or not, but he can't sleep.

"Stay down, don't move. It's going to hurt you more if you don't listen to me" Jimin says.

The words, Jimin realised. It is not the words he should come out with. He quickly apologise before he could even think to mutter any words more.

"I'm sorry, that is not what I mean" Jimin says, his tone is different from what Jin remembers.

It is soft and careful. Jin likes it or not, Jimin did have the point to his hurt. It hurts him more every time he is forcing his body to move.

When Jin's mind is starting to process everything he is struck with the confusion. If he wakes up like this, MinAh should be with him and not them. Is she alright? Did they hurt her like what they did to him?

Jin remembers the first time he woke up in so much pain, he saw MinAh. He saw her crying but where is she now?

Jimin notices Jin looking uneasy, he is half sure that Jin is looking for someone he knows in which, is MinAh.

"She is going to be here a little later, you need to rest for now. Don't move too much. It's going to be alright and we are not going to hurt you again" Jimin says.

Jin could tell that Jimin really mean his words. He started to calm down before Jimin gently help him to lay again.

"You're uncomfortable with me right? I'm going to call Jungkook" Jimin states.

Yes, out of them all if Jin could choose who is the kindest to him, he would certainly choose Jungkook for sure without any doubt.

Jungkook is someone who Jin used to be afraid of but after the embarrassing in-need-of-water incident, Jungkook started to become nice to him. Maybe not a lot but still he is nicer than them all.

When probably Namjoon didn't allow Jin to have food or water, Jungkook would sneaked in, giving him at least the water in which Jin appreciates it the most.

So, by Jimin's words, Jungkook really came but at that time, Jin is close to sleep and he didn't care. He sleeps although he knew both Jimin and Jungkook are in the room with him and probably watching his every move.


"How is he?"

Is the first thing MinAh asks once she steps her feet into the house. It is always that sentence came out from MinAh's mouth since the moment they brought Jin into the house and they know she is worried and concern about Jin a lot.

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