27 - Biased

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"Why is life so unfair?"


"Drop your gun" Namjoon points out his gun to that man.

At this point all of them are pointing guns to each other. Eyes completely dark and cold.

"You think I didn't smell your plans?" the man smirks.

It irks their body to see the smirk. He knows that man will shoot right at that instant as they triggered him, they know Moonsik will do whatever is on his mind.

"Drop the gun, let him go. There is nothing you can do, it's the end of you" Namjoon says.

"Of course I know it's the end of me, if I fall then I fall but you know what? I have nothing to lose anymore"

How could the son being so well behaved, so kind and nice but his father is the complete opposite of the son? Every dirty words they could pour become that bastard's personality. Somehow with the words Moonsik muttered, it irks something not just them but a certain someone. A certain someone who is holding a grudge for so long.

A noise from the outside was heard, it was not some sorts of screaming or whatever, just a noise of someone or something being dragged. All of their eyes including that bastard, Moonsik himself turn to the source of the noise.

He sees the eyes.

They see him.

It's Jin.

"Move a single step I'm going to make sure this knife is deep enough to cut his artery"

Even Moonsik himself was lost for words. What the hell is going on? Aren't his son should be under the care of Bangtan? What are they doing with Jin? No, what is actually going on with the situation? Who are these men?

A laugh. The very first man laugh at the scene. The gun in his hand move from pointing to Bangtan, now is pointing to Jin with a gap between them.

Another gun is pointing at Moonsik from his own side. His trusted men are pointing the gun at him. Not only that, several guns are pointing at Bangtan too. At this point, everyone is pointing the gun at each other except for Jin.

The moment Jin's eyes met his father's eyes, he was lost for words. His own birth father hates him that much to even kill him in such way? He could have just wait because,

Because eventually Jin will left for his mother too. How Jin wish he was never left things as the way they were. How Jin wish he could actually apologise properly to MinAh after their fight, how Jin wish he could appreciate more and express his gratitude enough to Bangtan for accompanying him all these while.

When he had the chance he threw it away and when the crucial time like this came, he always regret it. Jin thought he could become better, not to waste any moment anymore after what he did to his mother but he is just himself. Regretting that later will always be a waste.

Namjoon's hand was so itching to pull the gun. He was yearning to shoot through that bastard but with this situation, what could he do? How did they break through their house, dragging Jin here? There is no way someone could break through their house.

Being a leader to his members, Namjoon makes sure that no one could break into their safe place, no one not even Moonsik the dirtiest man could break into it so now, how is Jin here in the hands of those men?

Jin used to heard MinAh said to them to not get injured but seeing some of them with cuts and red stains on their clothes makes Jin feels a spark in his body. He didn't want to see anyone getting injured, he didn't like seeing anyone in pain.

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