06 - Crestfallen

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"Kill me"


Jin still vividly remembers the promise they made years ago. His mother was sick at that time. She was so sick and Jin wanted to cry every time the memories came back to his mind.

"You have me in you. I will be with you forever. Don't give up. You must live so I can be alive with you, that is the only thing I can ask you to. Please promise me," she had said, holding his hands.

Jin was a crying mess at that time. He never imagined being alive without his mother. He had every chance to die before her.

He never thought he could outlive her. His mind could never even comprehend the thought of outliving her.

When Jin hadn't replied to her, she urged him. Begging through her eyes and expression.

"Please promise me."

Jin cried hard that day, promising her. She gave him her bracelet to cheer him up. It was her precious bracelet that she got from her parents before they passed away and she gave it to her son. Her only son, her treasure.

Jin promised her to take care of her bracelet as much as it is precious to her, it is also precious to him.

Jin knows exactly how precious the bracelet was to his mother. It was a gift from his grandparents to her when she was a teenager. His mother always told him the story again and again about her childhood.

She grew up in a poor family, they had just enough food to consume a day without dying from the hunger.

She didn't know how hard her parents worked to afford the bracelet but he knows, besides the price of the bracelet, there, embedded in the quaint yet pretty bracelet was also all the hard work, all the pain, all the tears and all the memories of her and her family. And that day, the day she gave it to Jin, it was his to treasure. His everything.

But now, Jimin took it away from him.

It was hours later that someone came in. Truth to be told, Jin didn't care anymore, whoever it was and whatever they wanted to do with him, he didn't care at all.

"You look like a mess." the voice said.

It's a new voice, the tallest guy. He walks closer to Jin, tightening up the chains binding his hands to the wall much more than they already were. Now, Jin can't even take a step ahead nor move his hands. He was practically glued to the wall.

With the lack of interest Jin gave to Namjoon, Namjoon walked even closer and grabbed Jin's jaw. He was using force on the grip and Jin just didn't care.

"Look at me," Namjoon said, tone sending shivers down the smaller's spine, voice deep and demanding.

Jin did look at his eyes but that was it. Namjoon was annoyed with the lack of interest Jin gave to him especially since it is his first time stepping into the room meeting him in person. One of his hands grabbed the freshly cut wound on Jin's hand.

Jin hissed but Namjoon wasn't satisfied with it. So he pressed another wound, a deep wound this time; crimson liquid oozing down the gash on his milky skin, drops raining down and hitting the already dirty tiles at their feet.

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