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Pingting stroked the qin, chuckling softly.

When women want love, they do everything they can.

She had always been smart, so being foolish this one time meant no harm.

The final note glided into the air, hovering in the ceiling beams as if reluctant to leave. Pingting raised her head and saw Hongqian's intoxicated face, two teardrops already forming on her eyelashes.

"Silly girl, what are you crying for?" Pingting couldn't help but laugh.

Hongqian raised a hand to wipe away her tears, saying unhappily, "It's all Miss' fault for playing such a miserable song yet I'm the one who's to blame."

Pingting wrinkled her little nose, revealing a childish expression. She spluttered, "Such a good song, yet in your ears, it becomes miserable?"

She took her hands off the qin and was about to tell Hongqian to pack it away, when Moran entered the room. "The Duke said that after Miss is finished playing, the qin must be returned. Whenever Miss wishes to play in the future, she is welcome to borrow it again."

Pingting's expressive eyes rotated before hesitantly nodding her head. "Sounds good." She had Moran pack up the qin and walked over to the side table where a cup of tea was waiting for her.

Hongqian hurriedly added, "Miss, please don't drink it; that tea is cold. I'll go brew some hot tea now." She moved forwards, ready to receive the piece of ceramic.

Pingting didn't bother. "I feel hot from just finish playing qin, so cold tea is fine." Not waiting for Hongqian to come to her side, she drank from the cup. In one gulp, not one drop was left. Moran had just picked up the qin and although he tried to stop her, it was already too late.

It was winter hence the tea was as cold as ice water. Ever since the chaos at the Jing-An Ducal Residence, Pingting had undergone all sorts of setbacks, resulting in weaker health. Suddenly chugging this huge mouthful of frozen tea down her throat made her chest stiffen and was momentarily unable to speak.

Honqian, seeing her expression, urgently said, "See, the cold has gotten to you now."

Hongqian hurriedly began to fetch hot water, but Pingting grabbed her, whispering, "It's fine, just choked a little". She raised her head to see Moran who was still holding the qin. "Why are you still standing? Go back soon. If you're late, the Duke will be angry again."

Moran bowed and stepped out of the room. He did not head towards the Duke's office. Instead, Moran turned twice at the end of the corridor until he arrived in a room adjacent to Pingting's where Chu Beijie was waiting. He was wrapped in a mink coat, his face ashen.

"Duke, I've got the qin back."

Chu Beijie scanned that qin, frowning as he asked, "How is she?"

"She's a bit pale."

"Nonsense!" Chu Beijie's face darkened even more. "If it's to relieve boredom, playing something cheerful is fine but not these complex, mind-probingly classical pieces." After saying this, he loudly harrumphed.

Moran only then understood that the "nonsense" was not aimed at himself but at Pingting. He sighed secretly in relief when he heard Chu Beijie instruct, "Find a doctor to take her pulse."

"Yes." Moran lowered his head as he obeyed.

Chu Beijie's eyebrows locked in a frown. "Who could stand such a large cup of ice cold tea? Tell Hongqian to serve her carefully and prevent this from happening again." Moran agreed, secretly peeking at Chu Beijie's expression which remained a raven black mess. The Duke's temper was always abrupt when it came to Bai Pingting, making it difficult to figuring out.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now