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The matron looked around them and went closer, lowering her voice, "The pork is sent here every three days and we have already finished all of it in these last two days, so there will be no more pork starting tomorrow. We haven't any fresh fish either, so chicken and duck will have to do. General Chu said this wasn't anything of importance and ordered not to inform Miss Bai. I'm telling you this, but please don't tell her."

Zuiju nodded. "I'll come with you to the kitchen, to see what else is left. I'll see and write another prescription from them. Matron, make sure everyone follows them. No matter how many soldiers are circling outside, I only care that the best possible food is delivered to Miss Bai."

"Of course. As long as the kitchen has those things in stock, then each will be delivered without error, exact to your prescription."

The two people slowly walked in the snow. The moon came out of the clouds, but it was not as bright as the previous days. Its yellow light was slightly hazy. Their feet plodded through the somewhat thinner layer of snow. The snow creaked and crunched as they crushed it into pieces under their footsteps.

As they arrived at the kitchen, they sighted a sudden movement.


Zuiju gave a frightened cry as they saw a glowing red light at the gates to the residence. It seemed to be the combination of several flames from fiery torches.

The sound of the heavy door swinging open in the distance was heard. Although it was soft, it brought a dangerous atmosphere.

The matron looked at the flame in the sky, her lips quivering. "Oh God, don't tell me the attackers are inside?"

Zuiju remained silent and plucked up her courage to leave the kitchen building. She took a side pathway to reach the entrance of the residence. She carefully went towards it, hiding behind the walls. Zuiju saw the person holding the flame outside the entrance. At this time of night, she gussed the person had to be one of He Xia's men.

Not long later, the door slowly closed, shutting out the flame from the outside, only leaving a dimmer light within the residence.

Zuiju saw Moran with two other guards push a heavily guarded cart, passing the wall she was standing at.

"Who's there?" Moran suddenly said. The swords of the other two guards were immediately unsheathed.

"It's me."

Moran sighed in relief and was a little reprimanding. "Why are you not accompanying Miss Bai at such a time? Isn't there enough chaos out here already?"

The two guards made sure it was Zuiju before sheathing their weapons.

"I was planning to go to the kitchen, but came here when I heard movement. What were those people doing?"

"Sending things."

"Sending things?"

"Fresh meat, fresh fish and various differently coloured fruits. I've already checked that the cart is not hiding people or weapons." Moran laughed bitterly and pointed at the cart packed full of things. "You came at the right time. After getting these to the kitchen, use your needle to test if anything's strange."

Zuiju looked at the full cart and couldn't help sigh. "Knowing He Xia, there is no way he'd use such a tactic, but I will examine them properly."

The two guards helped Zuiju to wheel the cart to the kitchen and unloaded everything. In addition to the pork, beef, fresh fish and vegetables, there were a number of other rare things.

There were a few jars of authentic Gui Le dishes, seasoned dried rare fish, Bei Mo's delicacies befitting for a queen as well as a plate of both crispy and soft desserts.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now