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He had never known that memories could drive someone mad.

The army had already been assembled.

Pingting, I will soon march towards Yun Chang.

I will sacrifice everything to bring back my Duchess.

I must personally tell you that even everything in the world cannot compare to your smiling face. In Chu Beijie's heart, there is nothing more important than you.

We'll talk about a sky-shattering, earth-rumbling love this time, a real one. No matter the thousands of twists and turns, that will never change.

The sound of hooves caused Chu Beijie to turn back. A dirty, mud-caked Luoshang jumped off the horse and dashed towards to kneel before Chu Beijie. "Duke!"

"How is the secluded residence? How is Moran?"

After the battle at the secluded residence, Moran and many other guards, including enemy soldiers, had suffered great injuries. Luoshang's injuries were the lightest of them all. He was ordered to stay to clear out the residence while tending to his injured brothers.

Luoshang reported, "Half of the secluded residence was burned to ashes and cleared up. The dead have also been buried. A doctor has been healing my brothers who survived, and Moran's health has improved. However, Juntian, he...he didn't survive."

Chu Beijie's face looked dejected.

He had taught each of these guards and promoted them personally. Each of them were young , strong, and passionate. How could one not feel heartbroken at such loss?

"Duke..." Luoshang still had something important he had not yet said. He carefully hesitated before beginning his report, when seeing Chu Beijie's expression. "When we cleared out Miss Zuiju's room, we saw that she had left behind several bottles of medicine, as well as a few prescriptions..."

"Bottles of medicine?" Chu Beijie's voice was curt, "Did Pingting get sick while I was away?"

"I asked the doctors to check out the bottles of medicine and they said...said..." Luoshang looked uncomfortably up to Chu Beijie and immediately lowered his eyes again, "that it was fetal medicine. The doctor also looked at the prescriptions, saying they were for unborn children as well."

A sudden silence that seemed to shroud their heads floated in the air.

Chu Beijie's deeply shocked expression sharply fell on somewhere behind Luoshang as if trying to drill two holes into the ground.

Pingting was pregnant...

In her delicate belly, she had his own flesh and blood!

The heartbroken Pingting was taken away carrying his child!

Even with all the injuries he had suffered on the battlefields put together, it could never deliver such a painful blow to Chu Beijie at that moment of realisation.

The stone that had trampled on his heart seemed a thousand times heavier, squeezing out the deepest blood.

His heart was numbed in pain; his body was as stiff as a fossil.

"Send troops." Chu Beijie sorrowfully looked up with a command.


Chu Beijie's eyes were like a massive, raging bonfire burning. He emphasised every word, "Pass on the order. All soldiers camp on this road before officially heading towards Yun Chang!"

Pingting. My child. Please wait for a little longer.

I will immediately gallop to your side.

Chu Beijie then swore to the skies.

I will protect you forever, love you forever and never let anyone or anything separate us again forever.

As you wished, no matter what happens, no matter the thousands of twists and turns in our love, our minds will never change.




A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now