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Zuiju was slightly startled by her piercing gaze and stiffly replied, "I didn't tell anyone. I didn't even tell the Duke. Who else could I tell?"

Pingting nodded and sighed, "I hope things are not as bad as I have predicted."

The hanging screen was quickly raised, and the cold wind followed Moran into the room.

The two looked up and noticed Moran's expression was worse than before.

"The pigeons did not fly far before they were all shot down." Moran said with great difficulty, "All fifteen of them, not one survived. The residence is completely and thoroughly surrounded."

It was only then that Zuiju understood the scope of what was happening. She released a scream, her eyes widening.

Moran thought for a moment before speaking through gritted teeth, "Would Miss Bai please give me the sword the Duke left to you? I will send some guards to fight their way out. An army base is located about 20 miles south. Once the general sees the sword, he will immediately send out rescue troops."

Pingting tilted her head and gazed at the sword hanging on the wall.

Chu Beijie had left that behind for her.

His hands had been warm as they held hers. "I leave Moran and the guards here to protect you. If the unthinkable happens here, send someone by a fast horse with this sword to the Dragon Tiger Barracks twenty miles north of here, and ask General Chen Mu to help. He recognises my sword."

His words rang in her ears.

That jewel encrusted sword that once slayed countless enemies hung silently on the wall.

Pingting didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Chu Beijie had planned everything out so well, thinking of all possibilities except this one.

Who could blame him? No one could have ever guessed that things would progress to this stage.

Pingting walked over and slowly took down the sword, caressing the hilt.

Knowing that there was no time to waste and seeing her dismay, Moran could only say, "Only this sword can represent the Duke and muster the troops. After the rescue troops arrive, it will be returned immediately."

Stepping forward and he reached for the sword, only for Pingting move away.

Pingting always considered the overall picture rather than acting on selfish whims, but at this critical moment, why was she having second thoughts?

Facing a formidable enemy, every second was crucial. Recalling the numerous soldiers bound to be surrounding them his heart sank.

With her arms wrapped tightly around the sword, Pingting sat down again. She looked up at Moran, a slightly haunted look in her eyes, and softly asked, "With the Duke of Zhen-Bei's residence so heavily surrounded, do you really think the King is unaware of it?"

Moran was evidently shaken and paled upon realisation.

Not on the Queen's secret orders?

But on the King's instead?

If the King himself was also playing a role in this, would there be any hope left?

Pingting continued, "Sealing the paths traversing the mountain is not a simple task yet we knew nothing. This is because we were long surrounded, and they did not wish for us to know. As for the civilians living nearby and the army camp 20 miles south, how could they be unaware?"

Moran could not utter a word in response.

To be honest there was no need for him to answer these two questions.

Like a fog lifting, everything was coming together and becoming clear.

Chu Beijie had prepared for every possibility, guarding against enemies and his sister-in-law, yet never did he ever consider the thought of needing to guard against his own beloved brother, the dignified and good King of Dong Lin.

Hearts were forever tied through blood.

The Brother that should have known him best, the Brother who should most clearly understand how much Pingting meant to him.

Zuiju realised she had been holding her breath.

Pingting looked down at the sword resting next to her pounding heart. She could almost feel Beijie's warmth clinging to the cold metal.

"The army camp would either have moved by now, or the General was replaced. There will be no help." Pingting looked out the window before suddenly asking, "What is the date today?"

Zuiju quietly answered, "It is the fourth."

The sun moved the sky, it was already noon.

"The fourth?" Smiling, Pingting's gaze was filled with warmth and longing, "Then there are just two more days." Turning to look at Moran she began, "I want a topographic map of this area and all the details available the number of guards, their level of skill, our food and water source. That includes the hunting and woodcutting patterns of the locals..."

After giving out all of her commands, Pingting took a deep, contented breath before coldly saying, "Having the target heavily surrounded yet making not move. It seems they want to lure us into surrendering. This is not a characteristic of the King of Dong Lin but of someone very familiar. Who could it be?" Pingting pondered the question, her brows furrowed. Her gaze however gradually became more firm and steady.

The capital of Dong Lin.

The sun's rays pierced through the darkness, shrouding the world with light and warmth. Despite the sunlight shining upon the palace, there was an unrelenting sense of gloom.

The King and Queen stepped inside Concubine Li's residence and gently comforted the weak and pale faced concubine. The palace maids immediately brought over the baby princess, swaddled in white silk. She was presented to the King and Queen.

"She looks just like King." The Queen whispered.

The King's brows were furrowed. Looking at his newborn daughter, he forced a smile. The corners of his lips were still uplifted when clashing weapons sounded outside.

"King, please take care!" The sound of weapons was piercing. The King's personal guards exchanged a look and realized the turning tide of battle outside. Four of them moved to protect the King and Queen. Unsheathing their swords, they stood in front, vigilant of their surroundings. The remaining two guards hid positioned themselves at the window to track the enemy.

Pained cries were followed by heavy thudding sounds. The ruckus reached the room, waking the baby princess who began crying.

The sound of clashing weapons suddenly stopped, but the silence was anything other than settling.

A gleam passed through the King's eyes. He suddenly stood up and pushed open the door to stand at the top of the stairs.

Chu Beijie's calm figure entered his sight.

The fighting was over.

The courtyard was marked by streaks of blood, injured guards staggered with gritted their teeth. They refused to utter a sound despite the pain.

The few uninjured guards tightly gripped their pikes as they surrounded Chu Beijie, but none of them dared to challenge him.

Chu Beijie stood in the middle of the courtyard, looking down at the sword in his hand. Blood slowly dripped from the tip and fell like tears upon the smooth pavement.

His expression was eerily calm, evidently unconcerned about the guards surrounding him.
Not even the greatest of armies could hold him back.

Perhaps that would indeed be the case.

The coldness in his demeanour evoked a shiver.

Everyone stared at the mighty and lauded Duke of Zhen-Bei. Unblinking and holding their breaths, they dared not to make even a single move.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now