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"But Master likes me wearing this colour the most." Pingting quietly gazed at the hem of the bright dress. She whispered, "Do you still remember the crimson dress I wore in the snow that time?" Her voice was like silk, distant and faraway, befitting of the endless number of stories they shared.

"I remember." He Xia sighed nostalgically. "I also know that right now, you're wearing one for me."

He sighed softly, took off the thick mink cold around his shoulders and stepped forward.

Almost all of the two parties' men were suspicious by this act. The arrows on their strings were nearly whipped forwards.

Yet all he did was gently place the coat on Pingting's shoulder and placed a palm on her cheek, warming her like he used to.

"Look, it's frozen stiff." Even the smile in his lips was the same.

Pingting obediently allowed him to dress and warm up her pale red face. She then heard He Xia murmur, "Why must you do this? Would I not come to see you even if you did not wear this colour? Am I really that heartless that I would completely forget our fifteen years of friendship?"

He studied her pityingly and raised his hand to slowly loosen her hair, letting the strands fall. "You have never combed your hair yourself before. Even if it's similar, the way I combed it back then was not like this."

Everyone's eyes were watchful.

One was the Prince Consort of Yun Chang, the other was the woman of the Duke of Zhen-Bei.

To the observers, this situation was both pure and beautiful as both had the best memories tucked in the depths of their heart. A place that once held no fear had been shattered with just a cough, leaving them with the fragments of reality.

The past and the current seemed to fall.

It seemed that Pingting was still his maid when they rode galloping horses together, dined together and played ridiculously pointless games together. The soothing yet fragile frame, coupled with her crystal clear eyes and her smiles pleased him since childhood.

At any time, all he had to do was just yell, "Pingting! Pingting!" which would then set off a series of calls in the ducal residence to summon Pingting. Pingting would then hurriedly come after hearing the summoning. She'd look up, her eyes clear and bright and he'd hear, "What's wrong? I'm busy and don't have time to be your model."

As for Chu Beijie, so what about Chu Beijie?

How could he steal away her soul, her heart and their fifteen years of friendship in just a few, countable days?

"Pingting, I miss you."

"The three hundred thousand soldiers that pressured the King of Dong Lin to transfer Chu Beijie were sent just for you."

"How is Chu Beijie treating you? He left you just because of a King's command."

"He's not good to you at all, so why lower yourself to him? Wouldn't you be happy if you live the way we used to?"

He Xia pointed at the trusted elite soldiers behind him. "I have brought these soldiers through the ends of the earth here and endured attacks. Pingting, you understand what this means right? I've never wanted to harm you."

"Does Master mean that you would like me to go with you?" Pingting's expression drifted as she leisurely asked.

"Do you not want to?"

"How could I?" Pingting's gaze shifted towards the white flag raised high up which was probably the first sign of disgrace on Chu Beijie's property. "The white flag has already been raised, so what could Pingting possibly say?" She chuckled softly and glanced at He Xia, her face sideways to him. "Would you like to take away the person? Or would you like to take away the heart?"

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now