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"What?" Chu Beijie's strong and sturdy body moved, his hand moving towards Pingting's forehead.

"Noth...cough cough cough cough...." Pingting tried to muffle her cough.

"Your prescription doesn't seem to work. A few doses have made it even worse. I'll get Zuiju to look at you. Even if you don't trust in the skill of those doctors, there's no way you don't trust in Huo Yunan's disciple." Chu Beijie said while propping himself off the bed, preparing to call Zuiju.

Pingting also lazily sat up, stopping him. "Even if I do need to see one, seeing one right now makes no difference. Why not tomorrow? If we do something so chaotic, I'll have even more difficulty sleeping."

Chu Beijie carefully studied her eyebrows, which indeed had a hint of sleep. He nodded, cuddling her to sleep once more. He ordered, "You must sleep properly, and don't think any more useless things."

Charcoal crackled as it burned in the furnace.

Pingting closed her eyes and obediently went to sleep.

The next day, Zuiju was summoned in the early morning. Entering the room, she saw there was no one on Pingting's currently favourite couch, so she simply stood out in the atrium until she heard Chu Beijie's deep voice saying, "We're inside."

Zuiju went in.

Chu Beijie was already up and fully dressed. There was a fine layer of sweat on his forehead as if he been practicing his swordsmanship. Pingting was still lying on the bed and tried to get up when she saw Zuiju entering. Chu Beijie stopped her. "When I wanted her to come yesterday night, you stubbornly refused. Now that you're like this, you still try to pointlessly move about? Lie down obediently and let Zuiju take your pulse."

Zuiju stepped forward and sat by the bed. She smiled at Pingting, "Rest assured, Miss Bai, my Teacher says I am proficient in the field." She reached out her hand into the warm blankets, gently grasping Pingting's wrist and brought it out.

Before she could intently listen to her pulse, she was interrupted by a gust of wind from the opening door. The door curtain was suddenly lifted and Moran appeared at the doorway, his expression serious. "Duke, a private letter from the Royal House."

Chu Beijie's thick eyebrows rose in surprise. "A private letter from the Royal House?"

"The King's private letter."

Chu Beijie's expression was suddenly serious. His waist straightened like a javelin. "Go to the office," he instructed Moran.

He took two steps before turning back to Zuiju. "Take her pulse properly, administer medicine carefully and determine the root of her sickness. Her general health isn't too good, so don't use strong medicines." Then he strode out in large steps, hurriedly leaving.

The two entered the office at different times. When Moran entered the room, he quickly shut the door behind him and took out the letter from his sleeves.

Chu Beijie took it, observing the royal seal. There were a few tiny words written on the letter: "Confidential to Beijie". Indeed, this letter was from his only brother, personally written by the King of Dong Lin. Ominously, his heart thumped. Because of the poisoning of the two princes, he had led a raging storm through the capital, a mutiny full of battle-hardened soldiers. The ordeal ended with parting from the King of Dong Lin dejectedly.

After such bitter misfortune, unless it was the last resort, there was no way the King of Dong Lin would send a personal letter.

Chu Beijie and the King of Dong Lin were born from the same mother, and the two brothers had been intimate from childhood. One made the decisions of a King, while the other loyally led troops to defend the country, their feelings completely without friction. Although Chu Beijie had angrily and heartbreakingly sworn a life of seclusion, the ties of flesh and blood override hearts. How could he not worry about his brother, in the faraway capital, after such an urgent letter?

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now