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Chu Beijie raised his whip and crazily brought it down, his eyes bloodshot. The wind continued to harshly cut his face, not offering any comfort for the immense irritation in his heart.

A dirty mix of snow and mud scattered on the sides of the long road in the middle that extended forwards, seemingly boundless.

The return home seemed longer than ever.

Chu Beijie rode on, his gaze fixed at the horizon.

Was Pingting still safe, beyond the clouds?

A flag appeared in the distance, jumping into his view. There was a group of horses and men moving towards him. Chu Beijie studied the flag which opened in the wind, to read the familar character for "Mu".

Chu Beijie's heart skipped a beat. He whipped his horse which was already foaming at its mouth. He surged towards the group, abruptly pulled back his horse, yelling "Why is Chen Mu here?"He had not drunk any water for a long time, so his voice was very hoarse.

Seeing Chu Beijie, he hurriedly gathered his soldiers forward. He dismounted and bowed, "Duke, Chen Mu is here!"

"How dare you leave the Dragon Tiger Barracks you're in charge of?"

Chen Mu replied, "I received the King's Order five days ago to transfer to Luo Meng and report to the Duke of Fu-Lang and is now returning to the capital to report to the King."

"Who is currently managing the Dragon Tiger Barracks?"

"According to the King's Order, managing rights have been temporarily transferred to General Fen Min representing the Duke of Fu-Lang."

General Fen Min received orders from the Duke of Fu-Lang. Even if Pingting used the Precious Divine Soul Sword, her identity was not enough to mobilise the Dragon Tiger Barracks.

The King of Dong Lin had taken extreme measures against his own brother.

Chu Beijie's fury attacked both his heart and mind, his eyes dizzily blurry.

Pingting had no hope for help, apart from him.

Knowing Pingting's intelligence, she would definitely remember the promise on the sixth and would do everything to delay the enemy until his return.

Wait for me, you have to wait for me!

Chu Beijie's palms were full of red blisters, but he did not feel any pain. He suddenly seized the reins and sat up straight.

Chen Mu had followed him onto the battlefield for many years. Seeing his expression, he knew that he had already gone at full speed for a long time. He handed him a water sac, "Please have some water, Duke. Is Duke rushing towards a battlefield emergency? No soldier or horse can withstand such a rabid journey."

Chu Beijie took over the sac and drained it dry in a series of gulps, before looking back at the three thousand soldiers that had galloped with him for two nights and a day.

Since leaving the capital, they had whipped their fast horses several times, moving at full speed. They had not rested at all and were exhausted. The marks of the reins were bloodstains of their hands. A few dozen were completely unable to stand it and had fallen off their horses.

He had led soldiers for several years but never displayed such lack of care to them.

Chu Beijie's expression fell as he turned back. He asked Chen Mu, "How many men have you got?"

"Not many, just one thousand seven hundred. All of them are my best."

"Give them to me." Chu Beijie took the command flag and raised it high in the air, yelling, "I am commanding all of the country's troops, so all soldiers here, listen! Among the three thousand, those who can't stand pain and those whose horses can't last, go with Chen Mu to the capital. Chen Mu's one thousand and seven hundred men are also now in my command and we shall immediately set off." He dismounted, and leapt onto Chen Mu's energetic horse, lowering his voice, "Lend me your horse."

"Where is the Duke hurrying to?"

"Before the moon passes halfway of the sixth, I must hurry back to my secluded residence."

Chen Mu was surprised at this. "It is already the sixth and there are just then hours left. How could you possibly hurry back?"

Chu Beijie did not answer. He gathered the reins, tested the horse before bolting away.

Chen Mu didn't know the specifics of what was happening, but he knew that the situation was an emergency. As he watched Chu Beijie's back disappear rapidly into the distance, he grinded his teeth and stopped his vice.

"I shall go with the Duke and you lead the tired soldiers back to the capital. Give me your horse." Chen Mu mounted on it, brought down the whip and chased after the calvary soldiers.

A cloud of yellow dust blew into sky on the unpaved road.

The sixth.

Pingting, my birthday has already arrived.

The residence's atmosphere was a fog that prevented people from breathing.

The mountains and forests beyond remained covered in white. The moon had already retreated, while the a whisp of sunlight peeped out of the clouds, creating a heavy light that did not seem to lighten the tension.

Snowflakes had begun to drift down again.

Numerous and sparse, small bits of snow circled and helplessly trembled in the snow.

A light qin sound was not diffused by the snowflakes. It went beyond the wall, untouched like a rainbow on a cloudy, outcast day.

Pingting was touching the qin.

Now that the sixth had arrived, perhaps the surrounding soldiers with swords had become closer?

It was the sixth. That back view like a mountain and his hearty laugh full of heroism had been born on this kind of snowy day.

He was blessed by the Gods.

The Gods had given him a well-rounded life. He had a strong, healthy body, a straight nose, black pupils full of vigour and had innate dignity and self-confidence.

The Gods had created a rare entity known as Chu Beijie, so that she couldn't help herself but be distracted by him and be conquered.

Today was the sixth.

Pingting plucked a string with her thumb.

She had a deep, special bond with the qin. The qin was her voice, and she was its sound.

Only by letting her two hands softly pressing on the thin strings, could she close the troubles of her mind. She closed her eyes, carefreely, and immersed herself in her memories.

She remembered clearly, the vivid memories that surfaced.

The beating heart she had first felt through the curtains remained.

She seemed to have returned to the chase in the narrow valley. Chu Beijie had pressed towards her on his horse, wrapped his arms around her waist, stopped her, and waited for her reply.

His chest had been boiling warm, and his heart was jumping loudly, thundering against her ear.

And then, when he hadn't left, he'd held the bowl of soup, clumsily feeding her. He'd encouraged her to sleep, accompanied her while she watched the stars and moon.

Rivalry, anger, and gratitude, it was a sweet predicament and a heartbreaking one too.

How could he not love her?

How could he break his promise and forget it?

How could he just cruelly leave her just for his unstoppable flow of heroic blood to protect his country?

Beijie, if Pingting is truly the most important person in your heart, then no matter how big the world is, what could possibly stop your movement?

I have buried a pot of Locked Away Goodies waiting for your return.

Zuiju stood at one side, her hands lowered as she quietly watched Pingting's back view. That back was very frail and weak, but her posture was straight. It seemed that a steel frame propped up the thin flesh.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now