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Chu Beijie suddenly stood up as if suddenly struck by lightning. For a long time, he appeared to be deep in thought. "Did she really say that?" he asked.

"Duke, you have to harden your heart and just let her go."

The sentence was barely finished when Chu Beijie had already pushed open the heavy door curtain.

The chilling bitter wind gushed into the room, causing the scrolls of art to flap noisily against the wall.

Seeing Chu Beijie's parting back view, Zuiju hid her smile. "See Teacher, I was right wasn't I? The Duke is the one who's sick."

Stepping into the room, Chu Beijie seemed to be unable to move under Pingting's gaze.

He had guessed many times, but he had never expected that Pingting would be waiting for him like this.

She was still lying on the couch, her upper body leaning against a cushion, her head softly placed on top of a pillow, revealing only half of her soft face to the outside.

A purple blanket covered her from the waist down, appearing to be increasingly fragile. A half-open scroll lay in her hand.

Everything was as still and beautiful as a masterpiece.

Her infinitely deep black eyes were gone, as she had closed her eyes. Her black yet long lashes perfectly rested on the tip of her lower eyelid.

Something resembling a serene smile escaped from her dry, cracked lips.

At that moment, Chu Beijie only had one thought in mind.

Pingting is gone.

She was no longer, and left with a smile.

His world split into countless pieces as if a beast had bared its fangs and swallowed the four seasons in whole.

Everything had ceased to exist whether it was the flowers of spring, the autumn moon, the summer cicadas or the winter snow. Colour was lost.

She was as faint as her chords and gradually dissipated.

Had already dissipated.

Chu Beijie was dazed like a clay statue, crumbling. Moran took a step forward to support Chu Beijie with a hand but was pushed away.

Hongqian happened to come into the room and saw Chu Beijie's figure. Her voice was a mixture of shock and happiness as she cried, "Miss, Miss Bai! The Duke is here to see you." She threw herself at Pingting, whispering, "Don't sleep any more, Miss, the Duke is here!"

She shook her a few times.

Chu Beijie watched the eyeballs under her skin moving a little before her eyelids slowly, silently opened little by little.

Those eyelids hid all of his world's colours. As they slowly opened, light came out of them. The wider her eyes, the more the hidden colours scattered out. The colour returned to the blankets, the couch, the pillow, the scroll in her hand and the blush on Hongqian's face that were once all white-gray.

It was as if a bright light was circled around Pingting, causing others to have trouble looking at her.

Chu Beijie finally found his four limbs, yet his mind was blank and his eyes were filled with the light. Thankfully his feet had a mind of their own and managed to seat him down at a table. He picked up a bowl of soup and sat next to the platform.

He did not know when, but Moran and Hongqian had already excused themselves.

Chu Beijie held the soup. Pingting blinked.

The two people did not hide the fact they were staring at each other.


"Must you die?"

"Does Duke want Pingting to live?"

Chu Beijie pursed his thin lips, silently gazing at the soup in his hands.

"Don't worry. If Duke doesn't want to talk, then Pingting won't force you." Pingting struggled, wanting to sit up. "I'll drink it myself."

"No." Without thinking, his hand had already pressed onto her thin shoulders, making her body involuntarily lie back down again. "I'll do it," he whispered these three words, picking up the spoon.

He carefully filled a spoonful and brought it to his own mouth, lightly blowing on it. Only then did he realise that the soup was not hot enough and he frowned as he turned to get someone to change it.

"It's fine," said the soft voice.

Chu Beijie turned back.

Her beautiful lips had a few cracks due to lack of water. This was like a cut to his heart.

"No, drink it warm for once." He loudly spoke, "Send someone to the kitchen immediately and tell them to bring a new table of food."

His tone left no doubts. The people outside replied 'yes' and hurriedly ran to pass on his order.

He put down the cold soup in his hands, his gaze unable to leave Pingting's pale lips. His vigorous fingers went up to gently stroke the fine cracks.

"It's cracked..." Chu Beijie murmured. He couldn't help but put his hot tongue on her lips, moisturizing her dried wounds.

Pingting's silent treatment was finally broken down. "Ah," she cried in a low voice and turned away, surprised and ashamed, but Chu Beijie's big, gentle yet firm hand pulled her back.

"Was life and death mine, including your honour?" He asked in a low voice.

The overbearing kiss was ferocious as an attack of the Dong Lin warriors he led, a truly firm one.

She was like fragile flowers on branches, unable to block the power of the wind.

Bai Pingting held her breath.

She helplessly placed and curled up her slender fingers on Chu Beijie's clothing. Whether it was to push him away or to grasp onto him, no one knew.

The snow outside appeared to lessen and Pingting's face grew dizzying hot.

She tried to open her eyes tighter and look at the light in Chu Beijie's eyes a little better.

"Duke, the hot soup is here..."

Not only did hot soup come, but four heavy layers of food containers, each steaming hot.

Hongqian and Zuiju were peeping at their spring, two red clouds floating near their ears. They bit their lower lips as they busily arranged with much effort.

The kitchen was amazing. They had prepared so much in such a short notice.

Two meat and two vegetable dishes were placed in the middle of the table with all sorts of coloured dishes around them, like starry friends accompanying the bright moon. From red to orange to yellow to purple, all were brightly coloured.

Green onion flowers floated in the lotus and ham soup. In the freezing season of winter, it must have taken a while to find them.

Zuiju brought the soup bowl over and carefully lowered her head to blow a spoonful, which she then brought before Pingting.

"Miss Bai, the Duke is here already so please eat."

"Just eat."

Pingting refused to open her mouth, not making a sound.

Despite the fragrant soup before her, she seemed to be completely untempted.

After the forced kiss and Chu Beijie's display of affection, he released the beauty in his arms, frowning. "What other conditions do you need?"

Pingting sucked her lip, a coldness hidden in her eyes as she undemandingly looked at Chu Beijie.

Chu Beijie sat at the platform, feeling all of his organs burning under her gaze. More complex than complex, not in pain nor tired, yet overwhelmingly difficult to read.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now