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The Duchess of Zhen-Bei?

Who dares to steal the Duke of Zhen-Bei's beloved woman?

There was a brief moment of silence, when a thundering answer that could shake mountains broke out from the gathering. "Yes!"

"They have eight thousand men and we only have three thousand weary soldiers who have gone without several nights of sleep." Chu Beijie's gaze slowly swept across the crowd of young men of Dong Lin. His deep voice resounded in everyone's ears. "If we can't get her back, you may die a worthless death so you may choose to chase or stay."

"Chase!" The thunderous roar was without hesitation. The echo that bounced back was enough the send the branches on the snow jumping.

Chen Mu also offered a few words of encouragement. He mounted on his horse and rode to Chu Beijie's side. His voice was firm, "No one feels intimidated when following the Duke. Please make your command, Duke."

Chu Beijie lowered his voice. "Let out all of the pigeons you have, so that the Dong Lin troops at the border can be aware of the Yun Chang army in the Hengduan Ranges. As He Xia dared to venture so deeply into Dong Lin territory, it's likely that he has many more troops apart from the eight thousand with him prepared for ambush on Yun Chang's border. Warn them to be careful."

After these commands, Chu Beijie raised his sword against the north wind, directing it at the sky. "Let's chase!"

"Chase!" The three thousand or so polished swords came out of the scabbards, gleaming the cold light.

It seemed as if thunder was crashing.

The sound of hooves seemingly smashing apart the earth sounded once more.

The cold wind once again greeted Chu Beijie's wounds on his face, but his eyes were full of determination.

I'll go to the end of the world, as long as you are there, Pingting.

It's not far at all.

As long as you are there.

It was warm and comfortable on Yun Chang's carriage.

The blood soaked secluded residence was no longer in sight.

Pingting sat in the corner, looking out at the moon with no feeling.

From today on, the moon she loved the most no longer had its flawless gentleness.

It refused to say a word, reflecting people's breaking hearts and providing the light for the battle cries and the guard's expressions who had died a wasted death. He Xia pushed open the heavy door and kindly loosened the ropes around her. He then left, taking the gilded box with him.

She had stood on those young men's undried blood to reach the entrance of the residence.

Her white silk shoes were now as red as the fiery sunset, leaving bright red shoe prints in the snow.

Her heart was slashed by knives.

The blood all over the ground was no else's. It was hers.

It poured out from her heart, dripping onto the icy snow which the cold did nothing to soothe.

The carriage had been waiting in front.

White curtains decorated the finely cut window frame. The carriage body had been wrapped with splendid fabrics.

Zuiju had rushed out from an unknown place. She had red patches on her sleeves and her fingers were covered in blood as she threw herself at the foot of Pingting, saying, "Miss! Miss! Allow me to take care of Miss on the way!"

He Xia's guards had already raised their shining swords, ready to attack.

Pingting turned around, looking at He Xia. "This is my maid."

He Xia looked at the begging Zuiju and softened his voice, "Get on."

Dear Zuiju, why bother?

Pingting leaned close to the window, listening to the sound of hooves. The sound of the wheel rapidly moved her inch by inch away from Chu Beijie's place.

She did not feel pain, did not feel like crying.

She had decided to forget the pain and the tears, so she could forever forget that person's voice and expressions.

She finally understood that true feelings were not actually that important.

National gratitude was a sea, and national hate was a mountain.

How could she be deeper than the sea or heavier than a mountain?

How could singing under the moon or playing qin amongst flower possibly compare to one's own country?

The purest love in this world was not invincible and was no match for fame and power, no match for the dedicated and no matched against false national pride.

"As a maid, don't you know that your Master is a famous general?"

"What famous general? He's the one who decides what is more important and breaks other people's hearts for his selfish needs."

She thought about these words, and Bai Pingting smiled sadly.

Isn't there a time where all people are a famous generals?

When even if they can't decide what is more important, they go ahead and break other people's hearts for their own selfish needs?

His choice was right, properly selected.

As a famous general, he should have gone ahead and put an end to the broken heart, homeless and ruined soul he had created.

Until their promises, their smiles, were all forgotten.

A famous general.

As a famous general, he should have no regrets.

The wheels continued to turn rapidly, bumping along the road.

He Xia was eager to go home. He got Pingting and was riding towards home, not caring about the wind or frost that came at his way.

Was Yun Chang, the land hidden in clouds where his wife Princess Yaotian waited in that brilliantly decorated Royal Residence, his home?

If it wasn't his home, then where could he go?

Where was the former Jing-An Ducal Residence?

Neither He Xia and Bai Pingting could ever return.

Never could return.

A sense of loss ran through him, seeping into his bones. He Xia turned back to look at the carriage rolling behind him.

Pingting had returned, upset and broken. It was as if her soul had been lost but a residual of memories of the Jing-An Ducal Residence remained.

She was there, and her former self would return.

If she was there, then the He Xia that joked about the four countries with sparkly eyes and honour would exist.

"Master!" Dongzhuo suddenly alerted, getting He Xia's attention back. He rode from the troops from the front to He Xia. "Master, there are people blocking the road ahead. They say they would like to see Master."

A sharp light flashed in He Xia's eyes. He thought quietly for a while and held up a hand to stop the troops behind him.

The entire battalion stopped.

"Bring them over."

A man with his hands tied was soon pushed towards He Xia's horse.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now