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The sky was lightening, the northerly winds were blowing and the sun was finally rising out from behind the clouds bringing warmth with its rays.

The first thing Pingting did that morning was process the pot of plum blossoms she had picked, adding wine, sugar, salt and winter vegetables. After much work she suddenly stopped, "Maybe we should also add some vanilla."

"I'll go get some." Hongqiang excitedly grabbed some before staring at the pot and admiring, "This looks so nice must taste delicious. Are you preparing this for the Duke' return?"

Zuiju easily guessed what Hongqiang was hinting at and glanced at her teasing, "I'm sure when it's ready you'll get to have a taste."

Hongqiang clapped her hands a few times, ecstatic before asking, "Is there anything I can help with?"

Pingting had spent the night gazing at the moon and felt her spirit nourished. She happily made her requests, "Go and find a nice spot in the courtyard, clear away the snow and dig a small pit. Snow covered soil retains a light and refreshing fragrance. We'll bury the pot in the snow and smoke it for half an hour allowing the fragrance to seep into the pot. When the Duke returns we can open up this pot of 'Locked Away Goodies'."

Zuiju tutted, "Locked Away Goodies? What an interesting name, very thoughtfully chosen, makes me excited to see how it tastes."

Pingting glared at her teasing but couldn't hide her faint look of embarrassment and smiled, causing Zuiju's eyes to light up.

Hongqiang picked the broom and went outside in search of a suitable place.

Pingting picked up the pot which was unexpectedly heavy. Losing her centre of balance, she staggered a bit, giving Zuiju a fright as she hurriedly took over carrying the pot. "Please, no more of this, sooner or later you'll give me a heart attack or something."

Zuiju then carried the pot outside.

Hongqiang had long picked a spot and swept away the snow. She was currently digging a pit but having a lot of trouble doing so.

"Let me have a go." Zuiju pulled up her sleeves and picked up the shovel. After working up a sweat, she too was unable to dig up much and spat out, "This ground is so annoying. It's hard like stone."

Pingting was amused from watching their attempts. Upon hearing Zuiju complaints, Pingting couldn't hold back her laughter any longer. "You simply aren't used to manual labour. The winter the ground greatly harden so we won't be able to dig it up. It'll be much easier to ask one of the guards to come and help."

"That's easy. I'll go find someone to help." Hongqiang was on good terms with the guards so she could easily find assistance.

As she turned away, Zuiju tugged on the back of her clothes to hold her back, "No need to look for anyone. Help delivered itself."

The three of them looked towards the doorway and discovered a person walking towards them. From afar, the figure looked like Moran.

"Oh, General Chu..." Hongqiang began but seeing his expression, she swallowed back the rest of her words.

It was indeed Moran.

He was wearing the same clothes as last night, his sword at his hip. Not a hair was out of place. His facial expression however betrayed him.

Even the news of pressing enemy troops would not warrant such an expression.

Seeing his facial expression, Pingting and Zuiju's smiles froze.

After a long moment Pingting finally asked, "What's wrong?"

Moran's calm demeanour hid the true extent of his inner turmoil. Taking a deep breath, he began with an even but quiet voice to avoid shocking Pingting, "The situation has changed, we should not stay here for much longer. Please follow me."

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now