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The soft kiss gradually increased.

Yaotian was dizzy with the kiss, her blush spreading past her ears. She finally managed to wriggle away from He Xia, her heart anxious to jump out of her chest. She raised a hand and tidied the loosened strands, looking at a distant mirror where she saw that her ears had reddened. She gave He Xia a look of mock resentment and anger, murmuring, "Seriously, Prince Consort. This is the Royal Residence, not the Prince Consort Residence. If the maids saw this, how could I face them?"

He Xia heartily laughed, "Spare me, Princess. He Xia left Yun Chang too long and has dearly missed Princess so he became a little uncontrollable there." He lowered his voice, "Would you like to come tonight to the Prince Consort Residence? The Dong Lin army is currently assembling so I will have to leave for the border in a few days to deal with Chu Beijie. I don't know how long this battle will take and I have no idea when I'll be able to come back to see Princess."

Yaotian's ears were still steaming from his warm breath, and her heart was thumping crazily. She lowered her voice, "Isn't Prince Consort tired? You only returned late last night to the capital and entered the Royal Residence early morning next day. You certainly did not have a good sleep."

Their private room's air suddenly seemed heavy when they heard the slight sound of footsteps from the other side of the curtain.

A silhouette appeared and stopped behind the curtain. Luyi respectfully said, "Report to Princess, the Senior Official would like to see you."

"Welcome him in." Yaotian instructed. She turned to look at He Xia, her smile like honey. A frown was spread on her well-groomed eyebrows. "It's all Prince Consort's fault for making my face so red. What will the Senior Official think now when he sees me?"

"Just let him see you. How could a wise man such as the Senior Official not understand the relationship between a husband and wife?" He Xia gently laughed and went over to her. He whispered, "Princess hasn't replied to Prince Consort whether she will come to the Prince Consort Residence."

"Seriously, you..."

"The pain of longing."

No matter how handsome the man, once they are free, they were monkeys women couldn't deal with.

Yaotian was both angry and amused. She sucked her lip, "Since Prince Consort has returned, then I shall visit Prince Consort's residence with excitement. But what would the officials think of my going since Yaotian is a girl? It seems...that I'd better find two beautiful, personal maids for Prince Consort." She glanced slyly at He Xia.

He Xia's expression did not change as he continued to smile while asking, "Then tonight, shall I prepare alcohol and desserts in the rear courtyard of the Prince Consort Residence?"

Yaotian hid her smile and returned his gaze. She stretched out her white hands, nudging his shoulder softly. "The generals are still waiting to report to Prince Consort. Go see them. Be careful not to bump into the Senior Official or she'll whine on and on to Prince Consort."

He Xia good-naturedly softly pinched her on the cheeks before taking a step back. He adopted a joking expression before he left, half-singing as he posed a bow, "Wish you the best, Princess."

The curtain lifted loudly. Gui Changqing happened to walk in and saw him as he turned onto the porch.

"Prince Consort."

"Senior Official."

They respectfully nodded to each other as the two passed each other. Gui Changqing turned and watched He Xia's back view, full of confidence and strength. He stayed silent before entering through the bead curtains through the innermost section, greeting Yaotian.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now