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"Let me carry it."

Pingting turned sideways so Zuiju would take it with her hands but then shook her head. She carried the pot down the steps and walked towards the corner where Hongqian had swept the snow away the day before. Although there wasn't much snow, a night had passed with a thin layer of frost.

Pingting placed the pot down, picked up a broom and swept the floor before grabbing a shovel.

Zuiju didn't say a word. She actually felt a little afraid. She stood helpless at one side, saying, "Be careful not to strain your back."

Pingting didn't hurry. She used the shovel to dig little by little. The uppermost layers of soil were the hardest but after that, it was gradually softer and much easier to dig through.

Several moments later, a small hole began to form. Fine beads of sweat formed on Pingting's forehead. Her cheeks were several shades redder than before.

She still did not hurry. Pingting placed the shovel down, quietly resting for a while to allow her breath to calm. She then picked up the pot beside her and placed it neatly into the hole. She adjusted left and right until she was satisfied., Pingting did not think it was dirty as she reburied the pot using her own two hands.

After this final use of effort, Pingting breathed out deeply and raised head, smiling at Zuiju who was still standing one side. "All that's left is the cooking fire on top."

Her black eyes brightened, a smile in her eyes lifting like a wave with a gentle splash.

Zuiju did not quite understand why her heart seemed to stop for a while. A sour taste stayed in her nose as if preparing to cry. She hurriedly wiped her eyes and pasted on a cheerful face, "Sure, I'll bring the firewood."

She got the firewood from the kitchen. The task was exchanged with Hongqian, who then brought them to the new burial site. She lit the pile. Not long later, the dry firewood began to crackle. Its fiery red glow flickered in the snow. It coloured the three people's cheeks, nice and warm.

Pingting sweated a lot, but she seemed to be a lot better. She gazed at the flames, suddenly saying, "Never just stand around a fireplace. Ask the kitchen for some meat and salt. Let's eat some roasted meat."

Although Hongqian was worried about the surrounding troops, she understood the concept that pleasure can also exist in pain. She replied, "I'll get it."

She soon returned, crunching the snow with her footsteps while carrying a heavy basket in her hands.

"Pork loin, chicken wings, cleaned duck legs and two fishes with removed intestines and head. I don't know what Miss would like to roast, so I just got the kitchen matrons to prepare these." Hongqian settled the basket down, spreaded out a blue blanket in the snow and took out the items one by one. "I've also got the salt and allspice. The matrons said that eating roast alone was too dry and will bring some premade soup shortly."

Pingting clapped her hands, "Well done Hongqian, very thoughtful. If I were a general, I'd appoint you as at least a back up advisor no matter what."

She sat on the stone bench with an additional thick shawl on her shoulders. Zuiju was afraid that she was cold and had gone back to the room to retrieve it.

Hongqian saw Pingting's smile. Her heart was much more relaxed. She laughed, "That's not it. The matrons said not to hold the meat while roasting but use something to skewer them instead, so I have a few thin iron bars here."

She lowered her head and took out a few thin iron bars from the basket. It had been properly washed while the accompanying guaze was new.

With all preparations complete, the three people sat around the fire ready to enjoy this winter barbeque.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now