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Unable to hold back the pain, the Queen cried against the King's shoulder.

With a pained expression in his eyes, the King slowly rubbed the Queen's back to comfort her. "If this is true, then Bai Pingting wasn't the culprit. Does my Brother know of this?"

The Queen sobbed and shook her head. After finally getting a hold of her emotions, she finally asked, "If Bai Pingting isn't the murderer,then what should we do after the plan for He Xia to kidnap her?"

The King remained silent.

He stood up, a troubled expression pasted on his face. He turned away from the Queen and solemnly stated, "Bai Pingting is not the culprit, but that is an entirely different issue from the situation at hand. We are doing this for the lives of countless soldiers; we must hand her over to He Xia. As members of the royal family of Dong Lin, we must above all do what is necessary for our people regardless of personal desires."

The Queen stared at her husband's back with deep respect in her eyes. Those strong shoulders bear the weight of the entire nation.

"I understand," she nodded, "Regardless of whether Bai Pingting is innocent or guilty, we must resolve the issue with the army pressing against our borders. He Xia's troops should reach the Beijie's secluded residence by nightfall tomorrow. He's been focused on protecting Concubine Li's unborn child. We must ensure he does not leave."

Upon realising that they must bargain with the man who murdered her children, the Queen felt a wave of disgust. Yet as the Queen, as the mother of her nation, how could she put her feelings above her duty?

"By the way, concerning Concubine Li," the King began with furrowed brow, "last night the imperial doctor reported that she received a shock and that the baby's condition is a little..."

The Queen was noticeably startled by this. In order to keep Chu Beijie in the palace she arranged for Concubine Li to be threatened and sent servants to advise her to plead help from him.

As long as Concubine Li was unaware of what was truly going on, she would be able to truthfully trick Chu Beijie into staying. Without such a serious situation, once the issue regarding the potential heir to the throne has been resolved, there would be no way to keep Chu Beijie away from Bai Pingting.

Concubine Li's baby is the only remaining child of the King. If something were to go amiss ...What could they do?

"The baby's condition is amiss? Please do not worry King. The baby is the continuation of your legacy and that of our ancestors; they will definitely be protecting him from above in the heavens. I will go and check...""

A sudden flurry of footsteps interrupted the Queen's words.

"K-K-K...King!" Concubine Li's personal maid stumbled into the room and knelt before him, her breathing heavy and stammered out, "Concubine Li's baby, the fetus has moved, she will be giving birth soon!"

The Queen hesitated before stepping forward and addressing the maid, "Why is this happening so early? At the last health check, the doctor said she should have another 7 to 8 days before delivery?"

The maid peered at the Queen and recalled how her mistress may have actually been harmed by the Queen and bowed her head replying, "I do not know. Concubine Li was sitting calmly in the building atrium before suddenly crying out that her stomach hurt. She fell screaming in pain. I was so frightened by this I had no idea what to do."

The Queen felt no emotional attachment to Concubine Li, but her unborn child was of utmost important. Her husband was a wise and just ruler. How could his line end with him? Upon hearing the maid's words, she felt panicked and shouted, "What is the doctor doing? Has he arrived yet?"

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now