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Even though he grew up in the palace as a prince, he was not pampered. Instead he began his military duties in his teens and as a result of hard work, determination, temperament and some natural talent, he quickly rose up the ranks and became a national war hero.

After finally washing off the dust that had collected over the past few days of travelling, Chu Beijie felt refreshed and comfortable.

Despite his physical fatigue, Chu Beijie was nonetheless quite energised. Wearing some lightweight and casual clothes, he stood on the balcony and gazed at the plum blossom courtyard. He stood against the wind, clothes billowing and hair flying, confident and bold. The younger palace maids could only sigh, hearts pounding at the sight.

The plum blossoms were currently in full bloom, just like those back at his secluded estate a faint fragrance floating in the air.

However, the courtyard was missing something or rather someone. The setting would never compare with that secluded mountain estate.

On this trip back to the Royal Residence of Dong Lin, it seemed that the most familiar sights were the most distant. In the past, all his palace guards were handpicked. After a year, not a single familiar face remained. His sister-in-law treated him coldly, unable to forget his role in the death of her two sons. In a way it was all for the best. Since his Brother was ill, Chu Beijie needed only to prepare for the war and await the command flag.

Over the next few days Chu Beijie noticed there were no young soldiers, only elderly court officials. When he mentioned this Chu Zairan, he replied, "Currently all the younger soldiers are either stationed at the border or awaiting deployment at home."

As per Dong Lin military protocol, in the event of war, all soldiers must await orders at home so that their whereabouts are always known. Chu Beijie was unable to find any faults in Chu Zairan's explanation.

The image of Pingting leaning on the couch, her black hair spreading casually over the pillow, seemed to be imprinted at the back of his mind and would surface frequently.

"Pingting passed her birthday alone, so as for Duke's birthday, could we be together?" Her face flushed and bearing a gentle and loving smile.

"I will try my hardest."

Chu Beijie did not in fact promise Pingting anything, but he recalled her eyes alight with happiness. He secretly counted the days until his return.

Unknowingly as he awaited the return of the command flag, it was already his third night in the palace.

Chu Beijie's patience was at an end when he finally received word from a court messenger. Jumping out of bed he muttered, "To think that someone would dare to delay military matter. When I meet him..."

Dressed in formal attire, Chu Beijie strode towards the King's residence. On his way, he was interrupted by a kneeling servant, "Duke, please Concubine Li begs for an audience."

Chu Beijie stopped, gripping the handle of his sword, he looked down at the palace maid. Under the moonlight, it was difficult to discern the features of the girl but she appeared to be young, only fifteen or perhaps sixteen. To think that she would dare to block his path.

"How did you know I would be here?" Chu Beijie's gaze was cold.

Hearing his deadly tone, the maid was terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Nonetheless she explained, "Ever since Duke's arrival at the palace, Concubine Li has asked me to wait here for you since you must walk along this past to get to the King's residence. Since Duke is alone, I managed to pull up my courage and approach you."

"I am currently busy and have no time for some concubine." Chu Beijie spat out before continuing towards the King's palace.

Despite her young age, the maid was extremely loyal to her mistress and grabbed Chu Beijie's legs to stop him. "Duke, this matter is extremely important, more so than the military affair you dealing with. Please grant my mistress an audience."

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now