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I understand." The plan had hatched in her mind. She no longer worried about failure. Her eyes flashed with the light of decision that only the Royal House had.

"Princess finally understands." Gui Changqing smiled, pleased. "There are still a few details that must be carefully discussed. Even if we let go of Bai Pingting, we still have to convince Chu Beijie about it. If Chu Beijie is not convinced that we secretly killed Bai Pingting despite releasing her, it could lead to disaster."

"When releasing her, we will make her sign a note saying that she left of her own will. It shouldn't be hard." Yaotaian said, "It's just...when we release her, we can never control her whereabouts again. If she returns to Chu Beijie's side, or even the Prince Consort's side, then wouldn't our efforts have gone in vain?"

"Rest assured, Princess. Bai Pingting bitterly hates Chu Beijie and is unlikely to return to Dong Lin." Gui Changqing had obviously put a lot of thought into this problem. "Bai Pingting treasures both Chu Beijie and the Prince Consort a lot. If we take her pride and arrogance, then there is one method that can cause her to never see either man again."

"What method?"

Gui Changqing seemed to be unable to speak and slightly hesitated. He finally lowered his voice, "It is a chaotic world and there are all sorts of people who do not obey the law. If Bai Pingting goes out on the road alone and happened to meet some bandits, then..." He left off the final words, saying, "Then how could she face other people? If some unnamed bandit on the road violated her, then even if she becomes the most shameful beggar, she will not be related to our Yun Chang at all. Even if Chu Beijie finds her, there is no chance of her being with him again. Chu Beijie would still hate the Royal House of Dong Lin for this. After all, they were the ones who agreed to the exchange and sacrificed Chu Beijie's beloved woman."

Yaotian was still a woman and thought for a while, her expression changing. When Gui Changqing finished, she shook her head. "That's no good. Does Senior Official have any other plans?"

"Not dead, but a life even worse than death. There is no better method."


"Princess! Princess must not hesitate. The Dong Lin army is at the border, and the Prince Consort's intentions are emerging. If we don't rid ourselves of Bai Pingting, then the country is at stake." Gui Changqing's voice was earnest. He murmured, "Princess only needs to see Bai Pingting when the Prince Consort leaves, save a few warm words to her and make her leave a note. Then you can let her go and I shall arrange the rest, without any evidence."

A complicated light flashed in Yaotian's eyes. She thought a little but still shook her head.

"Princess! Princess! Listen to my heartfelt words..."

Gui Changqing wanted to say more, but was stopped by Yaotian who turned towards him. "Leave for now, Senior Official. Allow me to time to think."

Gui Changqing raised his head and saw her stubborn back. He knew no words could change her mind so he obeyed orders and bowed. "I depart." He sighed heavily and went through the bead curtain.

Yaotian's back didn't move for a long time as if solidified to a rock statue.

Luyi walked in, reporting from the other side of the curtain. "Princess, outside..."

"Go away!" Yaotian thundered loudly. She abruptly turned around and grabbed something on the table to throw outside. The Fangniang rouge, used the night before, flew outside of its gilded box.

The sudden sound stopped before Luyi, scattering until the earth bled red.

Bai Pingting, Bai Pingting of Jing-An Ducal Residence.

You directed Gui Le's life and death, directed Bei Mo's life and death, directed Dong Lin's life and death. Now you play qin, smile softly to direct my Yun Chang's life and death?

How could I let the strings under your fingers direct my dignified country of Yun Chang as well the dignified Princess of Yun Chang?

How could I let you ruin my country, ruin my home?

Yaotian bit her lip and tore the window curtain, inch by inch.

Dong Lin and Yun Chang were to encounter the other at the borders. The battle drums sounded in preparation.

The sound was slow and lifeless as if coming from the distance. It seemed to be like the ancient melodies of the heaven and earth, hiding its true potential as they continued.

By the time flags covered the sun and moon, the Dong Lin army had finished assembling. Looking afar, it seemed like the camp full of calm eyes and the cold gleam of weapons covered for endless square miles.

The wind rustled on the plains.

The lightness of the dew on the grass in the morning seemed to have evaporated by the murderous intention of the soldiers until not a trace was left.

"Duke, the Dragon Wolf Barracks have also arrived."

When Chu Beijie heard the news, he raised his hand to open the door's curtain and walked out of the advisory tent. He stood up straight. As steady as a mountain, his piercing gaze turned downwards to look at the neatly lined up army before him.

The army had already assembled.

The flags covered every inch of the sky and faces of young, yet fearless faces stared up at him. All of them made up the important force that protected Dong Lin.

Chu Beijie quietly watched them all.

"How is the situation back at the capital?" After a long time, he whispered to Chen Mu, behind him.

Chen Mu sighed. "The King has already consecutively sent sixteen handwritten letters ordering Duke to immediately withdraw the army, with an unprecedent harsh tone. Does Duke really not want to see the King's letters?"

A shiny trace of resolution flashed in Chu Beijie's eyes. His voice was cold. "If I read one of his letters, then I have already lost Pingting."

Ze Yin's messenger had finally brought the truth.

A letter saying whether Bai Pingting had really murdered Dong Lin's two princes or not.

But what use did it do?

Even if Bai Pingting had really murdered the two princes, he had already decided to love her anyway. Even if Pingting hadn't murdered the two princes, the King and Queen had still used her as a bargaining chip.

In such a chaotic world, what use was the truth?

Chu Beijie hated it and detested himself.

A personal letter from his Brother had startled him out of his cozy secluded residence, jolting him away from his everything.

But he didn't have any excuse. He was the one who chose to abandon it.

Since knowing about Concubine Li's birthday, he'd realised that the blood of the Royal House was at stake. He decided what to do, he chose his path for himself.

It had been his biggest mistake in his life, and he regretted the decision he made then.

He knew that his Brother and He Xia had used this method to make Pingting see her place in Chu Beijie's heart, so that when she realised that no matter how much Chu Beijie loved Bai Pingting, he made his final decision, the one to abandon her.

For Pingting who considered love to be as important as water, it was a fatal blow.

The heartbreaking pain never stopped for Chu Beijie the moment he realised this.

"As long as Duke is worried about Pingting, what else matters? Even if these two hands go to waste and can never play qin again?" She had looked profoundly at him and gave her everything to him without a qualm.

She had sung songs in his arm, politely listening to his worries.

That proud, arrogant heart.

That exquisitely made heart had spent all that effort in letting him know how much she cared for him as well as how troubling it was.

Every word she once said ached in Chu Beijie's heart, and every expression she had made Chu Beijie's heart shatter.

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now