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Moran arrived not long after, his clothes were neat and tidy and not a hair was out of place. He looked nothing like something who had just been roused from bed. Stepping into the room he looked toward Pingting and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you Miss Bai?"

"It's already quite late, why are you not resting?" Pingting assessed him, "Has something happened?"

Moran replied, "As the commander of the guards, I make my rounds at this hour every night. A while ago a flock of birds were shocked into flight. I ordered a few of the guards to investigate; everything should be fine but it is better to be cautious." With a sudden change in expression he asked, "Was Miss Bai awoken by the birds?"

Upon hearing that he had already sent guards to investigate, Pingting appeared noticeably calmer and nodded, "I have accompanied armies to battle before. In the dead of night, the sudden flight of birds usually indicates enclosing enemy soldiers."

Moran revealed a smile and nodded, "Indeed. After spending years in the army, hearing the sound of birds inevitably puts one on guard. Miss Bai need not worry. Myself and the guards will look after this matter. The night wind is chilly; you should rest soon."

With more tasks awaiting him, he offered a few words of comfort and departed.

Zuiju yawned and tiredly said, "You heard from Moran himself; everything is fine. He is looking after the matter. The night wind is chilly, may I close the window now?"

Pingting had always been a light sleeper, after this commotion she was unable to fall back asleep. She felt full of spirit and so was understandably unwilling to lie back down. "The winter full moon is so beautiful, shining down on the glittering snow like a quilt. It will not be cold."

Zuiju shook her head at Pingting's stubbornness. Knowing that there was no way she could possibly convince her to sleep, she sighed, "You're usually so mature. Where is this sudden burst of childishness coming from?" Crawling under the covers next to Pingting, she also looked up at the moon.

"The Duke should be back soon right?" Staring at the moon, Pingting softly asked with a tender look in her eyes.

Zuiju giggled at this and gleefully said, "I just knew you would say that. I bet you have been thinking about it constantly." Moving to hold Pingting's wrist and check her pulse she sighed, "Love is such an interesting thing. The Duke is such a feared and admired man yet you are a calm and easy going person. After encountering love, you have both become so foolish at times."

Pingting turned to look at Zuiju, "Sure, laugh at me now. Love is something you won't understand until you encounter it." Turning away to gaze into the moonlit night again, she whispered tenderly, "Such a beautiful moon. If I could sit on the snow covered ground and play the zither accompanied by its gentle rays, it would be so perfect."

Zuiju immediately stopped her train of thought, "Don't ever think about it. It's such a cold night. If you sit out in the snow playing the qin, you might get sick again. You finally got better after taking medicine for so long. Are you really going to risk it?"

Pingting understood that she was right and said nothing more.

Although it was nice to play music by moonlight, the desired listener was not present.

Silently admiring the snow covered ground, Pingting suddenly recalled that day in the Hua Residence when Chu Beijie first visited to request a song. Granted one, he then asked for another.

At the time she had no idea who Chu Beijie was but already guessed that he was using an alias . "Mister wanted a piece from me so I did you a favour. Of course you should use your real name."

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 2Where stories live. Discover now