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"How was it this time?" you ask your friend.

He sighed, "still nothing."

His response pulled at your heart strings because you knew all too well the pain he was going through.

"Maybe next time," you half smile trying to reassure him.

He didn't respond, he just looked down at his food, prodding it around his plate.

"Eat up, you'll need your strength," you encourage him.

"Just leave it okay (y/n)," he said shoving his pate across the table, knocking his chair over as he strode across the cafeteria to the exit.

"Ryder," you call after him but he ignored you as he asked a guard to take him to his cell.

A few moments later the harsh tone of the bell rang, you and the 8 other patients formed an orderly line and followed the guards to your allocated holding cells.

Once the huge metal door had closed you head over to your sleeping bag, staring at the damp ceiling trying not to fall asleep, as you knew it would be your turn again tomorrow.

You would always put on a brave face for Ryder but not matter how much you tried to keep it together for him, deep down you were terrified.
You wished something would of mutated for you by now but this would be their 9th attempt and you were losing hope.
Some of the procedures nearly killed you and unfortunately for you they have excellent medical staff to patch you together for the next round of tests.
Your handlers didn't care about you or the other patients, all they wanted
was see their plans and visions come together. You were disposable to them, if they wanted they could find someone to replace you if you didn't meet their requirements on time,
"10 attempts and your out."

You begin to yawn as your eyes grow heavy, thinking of your best friend Ryder. You knew he didn't mean anything by his actions earlier, he too was losing hope and that killed you inside, you remembered back to when you first met him, how happy he seemed given the circumstances.

You had just had your first procedure when he came and sat with you in the cafeteria.

"First time huh?" he asked as he took a seat next to you.

You responded to him with a nod, as your eyes started to glaze with tears.

He gave a sympathetic smile,
"Don't worry I'm sure it will happen for you next time. Here," he slid some of his food from his plate to yours, "eat up, you'll need your strength."

"Thanks," you said barely audible with a weak smile of appreciation.

"My names Ryder."


He smiled at you as you ate the food he had given you.

All you wanted to do was give him the biggest hug imaginable, to tell him everything would be okay, just as he had comforted you back then. But the only time you got to see him was at meal and recreational time and the guards enforced a no touching or close interactions policy. Maybe one day you would be brave enough to break the rules and give him the hug you knew he deserved.


You were woken by your cell door opening and a guard striding over to where you lay.

"Get up 28," he gave you a quick, not so soft, kick to the shin to make you get up faster, "your turn again," he said with joy in his tone. The sick bastard got joy out of other peoples pain.

Rubbing your eyes as you stand to your feet you follow him out of your cell. You pass Ryder's cell and turn left towards the lab.
Once you were in the lab the doctors assistant hands you your gown, having to change in front of her never got any less awkward. When you were done you handed her your black jumpsuit and followed her and the guard to the center of the lab, automatically laying down on the dentist like chair that was prepped for your arrival. The guard took his usual place a few paces away from the foot of your chair, the nurse set down your overalls and knocked on a door at the far end of the room.

"Patient 28 is ready for you," she spoke through the door.

You heard a shuffling of papers and then the familiar footsteps of Dr. List as he made his way to his chair next to you.

Dr. List glanced through your file.

"So," he begins, "this will be your 9th time," he adds as he plunges a needle into your skin.
They called it the activator.

He pauses for a moment to see if you would respond, but he knew you wouldn't. It was hard to given that you never knew what the next test would entail, fire, drowning, suffocation were just a few of them he had already put you through.
The tests were supposed to put your body through extreme conditions to help the activator to mutate your cells.

"Well lets get started," he motions to the nurse who walks over to you, prepping parts of your skin. She proceeds to attach some sort of electrodes to various parts of your body all connected to some sort of huge industrial battery.

"Ready?" Dr.list asks.

You don't respond but your body instinctively tenses waiting for the pain.

Dr. List nods to the nurse who turns a dial on the battery.

A small surge of electricity ran through your body, it was unpleasant but not unbearable. It felt like your body was vibrating of its own accord.

"Increase please," he tells the nurse.

She does as he asks and increases the surge more.

This time it was becoming more painful, your breathing increased with your heart rate. It was like a huge adrenaline rush surging through you. You started to grip the arms of the chair causing your knuckles to turn white.


"GGGGUUUUUUUUUAAAAARRRGHHHHHH!" you scream through gritted teeth trying to cope with the pain. Was this what Ryder had to go through yesterday? If he could do it you could to, you kept your focus on your friend.

Dr. List motions to the nurse with slight excitement, "full power please."

The scream that left your body was demonic the pain was intense, your body felt like it was on fire, again. You look down at your hands and your body to see strips of blue and white electricity jumping all over your skin. You didn't know how much more you could take, letting out one last final scream that burned your throat all the electrics in the lab short circuited. The light bulbs around you popped and let out a small waterfall of sparks that landed on your body.
Seconds later the back up generator kicked in and illuminated the room once more revealing the doctors wide grinned expression.

"Congratulations 28, you can move on to the next stages of our program."

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now