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Dr. List started to fill out some paperwork for your file and then handed it to the guard, "she's ready to move onto training."

The walk back from the lab was bittersweet. You got your mutation on your 9th turn but now you would have to leave your best friend to move to the training facility.

"Eat, i will be back for you later," the guard tells you as you near the cafeteria.

You look around for Ryder.

"Hey I'm sorry about yesterday," he says to you as you sit next to him.

"Its alright," you tell him.

"So how did it go?" he asks you.

You hesitated for a second before telling him, "they are moving me to training."

You couldn't help but notice the sad expression he had for a nano second before putting on a smile for you.

"You got your mutation! That's amazing, congrats," he said but you could hear sadness in his voice, "so when do you leave this hell hole?"

You shrug your shoulders you felt so guilty that you had passed the tests before him.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Ryder asks you.

"I'm going to miss you," you say trying to hold your composure.

"Well you wont miss me for too long, it will be my turn again soon and i will be joining you on the training floor," he smiles trying to lighten the mood.

You both knew his chances of success on his last procedure were slim.

"You better," you give him a half smile.

The sound of the bell rang through the hall and just like everyday you place yourself in front of Ryder in the line as you follow the guard back to your cells.

"28!" The guard shouts from across the hallway, "this way."

This was it, you were moving and leaving Ryder behind. You took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Without a second thought you span around in place and wrapped your arms around your friend. It took a moment for him to respond to your hug but he wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his head onto your neck as you spoke into his chest.

"See you soon, yeah?"

"Promise," he whispered.

"HEY!" a guard at the back of the line shouted and wandered over hitting you in the back of your head with the butt of his gun. It stung like a bitch.

"Worth it," you say to Ryder as you leave the line.

You take one last glace at Ryder as the guard shoved you through the door for your misconduct.
You follow him up a set of stairs to the next floor up passing more cells until you reached your new one. The guard typed in the code and the door slid open, stepping inside it looked just like your other cell but this time you had a bed, even if it was a thin mattress on a rickety wire frame. You walk in and take a seat as the door slides shut behind you.


You were exhausted, your breathing hitched as you focused on your targets.

"AGAIN!" a frustrated Strucker shouted at you.

Sweat dampened your hair and face as you punched and kicked your way through a simulated base but you were still unable to harness your mutation to its fullest power, only ever being able to conjure small sparks.
You had been training for a couple of weeks now, you had close combat and weaponry down to an art but that's not what they wanted.

Strucker entered the training room and without faltering in his stride he picks you up by the throat and slams you against the nearest wall.

"I am getting tired of your shit! You better use your powers tomorrow or i will dispose of you myself," he threatens, releasing you from his grip.

You sputter and gasp for air as you drop to the floor. You watch him leave and signal for a guard to escort you back to your cell. Once your door had shut behind you you fell to your knees.

"Why wont you work?" you say looking at your hands, your eyes watering over.

You thought things would get easier once you gained your mutation but you were so wrong. The training was intense, no one would hold back or pull their punches when showing you how to fight and block effectively. You would often come out of combat training with cuts and bruises, sometimes fractured bones. What made it worse was they only fed you if you completed the training to their satisfaction, which often left you hungry and drained of energy. It was a strategic move to ensure you improved the next day.
What you wouldn't give to go back to being tested on just so you could see Ryder again.

It had been a couple of weeks and you were sure it would be his 10th turn again soon, then you would be able to see him again and maybe bring some hope back into your worthless life.


The next day you were woken early by Strucker, following him to the training room you prepared yourself to fight. Taking a deep breath you begin to fight your targets, using your gun at first. Once your gun was out of bullets you used your close combat skills to immobilize the people attacking you.

"Use your power (yyyy/nnn)," Strucker said patronizingly through coms.

You focused your energy trying to summon the electricity you knew you had. Tiny lights of blue skipped between your fingertips. A target broke your focus as he kicked the back of your legs, your knees gave out and crashed to the ground followed by the barrel of a gun making contact with the back of your head. Your training targets stopped attacking and you knew what was coming next.
Strucker strode through the room with two guards either side of him, took out his gun and pointed it down to your head.

Adrenaline rushed through your body, was this it? After all you had been through you were going to die by gun shot? Your heart rate increased as you started to panic internally, not showing your fear to Strucker. You looked up at him not moving from your knelt position.

"Give me one good reason i shouldn't pull this trigger right now?" he says through gritted teeth as he cocks his gun.

When you heard that noise you threw your hands up either side of Strucker and blasted both guards off their feet to the other side of the room, leaving them convulsing on the floor.

"Well," Strucker began, "that's more like it," he said impressed lowering his gun.

"GUARD," Strucker shouted, "let her eat and return her to her cell, she might not be so useless after all," he grins.

Once you had returned to your cell after eating you crash down onto your bed. You felt relieved that you had been able to prove to Strucker that you could use your powers.
You drifted off to sleep only to be woken moments later by what sounded like a huge explosion.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now