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You woke to find your restraints loosened, your tape being carefully removed from your mouth and two strong arms scooping you up off your chair. Your eyes finally focused for you to see the familiar face of, "Steve?" you whisper in a raspy voice.

"Yeah it's me, your safe now," he tells you gently.

Your mind finally comprehend whats going on, "where is everyone? Wheres Bucky?" you jump down out of Steve's grip.

"We split up to cover more ground since your tracker went offline soon after it was activated."

"Shit, do you have a spare com?"

Steve grabs his spare com from one of the pouches on his waistband and hands it to you.

Without hesitation you place it in your ear and speak but you had no response to any of the questions, "Bucky? Where are you? Can you hear me?"

You tried again, "does anyone have eyes on Bucky?"

"Negative," Natasha responded.

"I will try locate him, good to hear your voice again Sparks," Tony says with joy in his voice.

"Shit Steve, this isn't good."

"He will be fine (y/n) he's done missions like this loa...."

You cut him off, "you don't understand, Strucker has re booted the Winter Soldier program, hes the one who activated the tracker to get you guys here," you pause with your next word filled with guilt, "it's a trap to activate Bucky."

Steve looks at you, "well shit," you and Steve run out the door, "new mission team, find and extract Bucky, Strucker means to activate the Winter Soldier."

You meet up with Tony and Nat, and fill them in, "Strucker already has 3 male enhanced in the field all under his control, if you see one that's tall, medium build, short brown hair with brown eyes hes my friend Ryder," you pause for a moment, "I need you to extract him too," hoping that wasn't too much to ask.

The team give you nods of acknowledgement before you split from them and head down a corridor. In the distance you could hear Buckys pained screams followed my metal hitting metal, he was trapped. You round the corner and find a door busted from the inside out you approach it slowly, your back flush with the wall and your hands at the ready. You push the door and it slowly creaks open, your eyes fell upon Bucky who was stood as still as a stone, the only thing to move was his shoulders and chest from his heavy breathing.

"Guys I've found him," you tell the team through your com.

"We we will make our way to you (y/n)," Steve confirmed.

"Bucky?" you say cautiously into the dimly lit room.

You approach him slowly, "Bucky? It's me," you tell him but he still doesn't respond.
Your so concerntrated on getting to respond you don't notice his hand reaching for his gun. He rapidly pulls his gun and shoots, you narrowly dodge it and take cover behind a stack of boxes. There was no way you were going to be able to move from behind them, as soon as he has you in his sights you'd be dead, you had to think fast.
You notice one of the lights flickering above your head, without a second thought you shoot an electric ball from your hand up to the lights frying the wiring causing a blackout in the room.

You hold your breath and take off out the door, Buckys gun sounds as he randomly fires around the room, "guys were too late."

"(y/n) don't engage," Steve orders you, "can you get him to us?".

"Like we haven't got enough to deal with," Tony says sarcastically through com's.

"Yeah," you confirm to Cap.

Heading towards the sound of fighting with Bucky hot on your trail you burst through a side door and see the rest of the team. They had their hands full fighting Noah and Ben.

"(Y/N)! GET DOWN!," you hear Steve shout to you as he throws his shield into Bucky, making him stumble backwards as it ricochets of him and back to Cap.

As you entered the room it looked like Steve was fighting an invisible force. Steve then turns his attention to Bucky and tries to get close to his friend, jumping over things, dodging bullets.
When you look back you see that Steve had infact been fighting Ryder, who was now too exhausted to use his invisiblity power and had slumped down in a corner.

To your right Nat was fighting Noah who was manipulating the ground, causing huge stalagmites to appear in the hopes of striking her or trapping her. Unlucky for him that she is the smallest and most agile Avenger.
To your left Tony was trying to fight Ben but he had frozen Tonys hand repulsors and had started blasting his suit with spheres of ice.

"Tony, Nat, keep your hands off them," you instruct. You stretch your arms out, one of your palms of faced at Noah and one at Ben. You let your electricity flow out of them with precision hitting your targets. You watch carefully as they convulse waiting for them to pass out from the pain rather than killing them. They grunted and stifled their screams before their bodies went limp and you let them go.

You turn to look at Steve and Bucky who had stopped fighting, Steve had one hand on his friends shoulder. You had no idea how Steve had gotten him to stop but you were greatful and wanted nothing more than to run into his arms but you needed to get through to Ryder.

Turning your attention to Ryder you see that he had gotten himself up off the floor with the help of the wall and was trying to use his power whilst heading for the exit.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now