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In the haze of trying to comprehend what just happened you instinctively grab your necklace ready to activate it, but your mind took over and you released it.

Ryder strides towards you, he looked different, he looked empty. You move backwards until your back met a wall, holding your hands up you let your electricity flow through your palms ready to fight. But with one fluid motion Ryder restrained your hands with one of his while he plunged a needle into your neck.
You stumble as he lets you go, your vision blurred in and out as you fought to stay awake but it was no use.

You woke with your vision still slightly blurred, feet tied together and your hands tied behind the chair you were sat on. You struggle in place trying to break free.

"There she is!," Struckers voice chimed in your ears.

Looking in the direction of the voice you see Strucker and Karpov with Ryder stood a few paces back in the shadows with his arms crossed.

You knew this was bad, you try to conjure your powers but it was no use.

"What did you do?" you ask groggily.

"A sedative," Strucker reveals, "we can't have you using your powers now can we?"

"What do you want from me? Why are you doing this?" you bring on the fake water works.

"I must admit, you had us in the beginning but we don't believe those crocodile tears now do we Ryder. It has come to my attention that you've been lying to us," Strucker says looking in the direction of where Ryder stood.

You couldn't quite believe it, why would Ryder tell them anything? He was your friend, you promised him he could have a normal life, so why would he tell Strucker and Karpov?

"What did they do to you?" you whisper to him, he didn't reply.
Anger washes over you, the fake tears stop and you shout at Strucker and Karpov, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!

Your frustration made Strucker smile, "Ryder tell me your report on (y/n)."

"I believe she is here to collect Intel for a 3rd party to take down Hydra. She stated that she knew people on the outside and offered me refuge. Her powers and combat skills have excelled making me presume they have trained her." his report ends and you sat there wide eyed you now knew what Hydra were doing. Creating enhanced soldiers that they could control.

"And we all know the people who want to take down Hydra now don't we," Strucker teases, "tell me how long have you been with the Avengers?"

"You know nothing! Your Intel is flawed, i don't know any of the Avengers, i taught myself how to fight since i had to fend for myself on the streets of New York because you left me for dead!" you exclaim.

Karpov then spoke, "I noticed when you were fighting with Ryder, some of your moves were exactly like his, and I should know, i taught them to him."

Your heart dropped into your stomach, Karpov was Bucky's handler.

"The only thing I can't figure out is your get out clause," Strucker ponders walking over to you.

"Care to share?" he offers.

You play dumb, "I don't know what your talking about."

Without taking his eyes off you he speaks, "lets do this the easy way, Ryder?"

"The only item she has on her is that necklace which she grabbed when I killed Olivia. I presume it's a tracker."

Without hesitation Strucker grabbed a hold on it and yanked it from around your neck. This was it, they had you figured out you try to escape your restraints. You couldn't let your friends walk into a trap.

"Ryder please," you struggle as Strucker grabs your fingers ready to activate your necklace with your fingerprints.
"Ryder please, RYDER!" you shout trying to get through to him but it was no use his mind was gone.

"Well i want to thank you (y/n) for hand delivering our asset back to us. We could of used you as their team leader but who better to do the job than the original Winter Soldier."
You felt Strucker squeeze the necklace between your fingers, you tried your hardest to electrify it in the hopes it would malfunction but the sedative hadn't worn off yet.

"Your a fucking monster!" you spit at Strucker.

He laughs at you, "your the one bringing the monster."

Tears start to sting your eyes they were going to re activate Bucky.

"WAIT!" You scream, "I will do it, I will be their leader, I'll go through the procedure!"

It looks like Strucker was contemplating your offer for a second until Ryder spoke, "sir we should finalize the plan and prepare for the Avengers arrival."

"Your right, kill her," Strucker orders.

Strucker and Karpov leave as Ryder walks over to you reaching for his gun. You look deep into his eyes searching for your friend.

"Ryder, listen to me, your my friend remember? Back at the old facility? We at lunch together all the time, it was the best part of my fucking day spending time with you."

He paused for a moment his brows knit together for a fraction of a second whilst he studied your face. He walked to the other side of the desk and pulled out a roll of duct tape and carelessly ripped off a strip. He walked back over to you and placed it over your mouth and took out his gun, without warning he used the butt of his gun to knock you unconscious.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now