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You sprang from your bed and ran to your door to hear what was going on.




You heard multiple voices shout as they ran past your cell. Gun fire could be heard in the distance. You didn't know what was going on, then your eyes grew wide.

"Ryder," you whispered to yourself.
"HEY!" you started banging on the door.

You kept banging and shouting in the hopes someone would let you out.

That's when you heard more guards, "GAS THEM."

Moments later a yellow gas poured in from a vent in your ceiling, you start banging on the door more violently as you started to cough from the thick air. You knew it was no use, no one was coming to save you. Your body began to grow weaker as you slid down the door, the palm of your hand rested on the metallic surface.
Your body concentrated the last of your energy to create enough electricity to cause the door to malfunction and open. You stumble out gasping for air, no one was around, the guards seemed to have deserted the place.

You could still hear gun shots and shouting in the distance.


You gain enough strength to run to the exit and down the stairs, passing your old cell you head to Ryder's. You try to short circuit the door like you did your own, but it wouldn't work. You open the hatch of the door hold your hand over your nose and mouth as the gas pours out of his room. Once the gas had cleared you could see your friend unconscious on the floor.

"Ryder, RYDER!" you shout but he remains motionless.

"Please wake up! Don't leave me," you shout through the hatch of the door.

"Please!" you plead banging your hands on the metal.

"Why won't you fucking work when i need you to?!" you scream at your own body, "come on, please, please let me in!" you plead with yourself.

Just then you hear more footsteps and gun shots.

"I will come back for you," you whisper to your friend.

You search around for somewhere to hide. Noticing the door open to the lab you run in there hoping you could hide in Dr. Lists room. Thankfully everyone was in such a rush to escape they left everything open. Running and hiding under his desk you tuck yourself into the smallest ball possible you were there for a while, then you heard someone enter the lab. They seemed to be talking to someone.

"Guys i've found the lab, i will search around for intel," the voice said.

You stay seated, knees up to your chin waiting for them to leave. You could hear what seemed like heavy metallic boots walking around the lab, shuffling papers, pulling drawers out of the cabinets, purposely looking for something. Then the footsteps grew closer.

"Lets see what secrets you have in here Dr. List," the disembodied male voice said.

A female voice spoke, "Sir I'm detecting heat signatures in this room, someone else is in here."

"ALRIGHT, COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" the male shouted into the room.

You sat there frozen, you didn't want to move out of fear. A blast was fired at the opposite wall to you causing you to jump.

"I see you under that desk you know," they inform you.

How could he see you there when he was barely in the room you thought to yourself.

"HANDS UP!" he demanded again. This time you did as he asked and slowly raised your hands up out of your hiding spot. You crawled out your back facing the unfamiliar voice.

"Turn around slowly," he tells you. You comply and face him, were your eyes playing tricks on you? The man was a robot?

A woman's voice was heard from behind him,

"Tony, you okay?" the ginger haired woman spoke.

"Yeah, all good Romanoff."

"Cap, we've got a live hostage," the woman spoke into thin air,
"roger" she responded.

"Tony get her out of here, i will get what little intel they left," she told him.

The robot they called Tony walked over to you slowly, taking note of how scared you were.

"We don't want to hurt you, but you've got to come with us now okay?" he asked cautiously placing his hand out for you to take.

"My friend's back there and I'm not leaving without him," you finally spoke up.

"Listen you have to come with us now before this whole place blows," he tells you.

"NO! Please i can't leave him here."

"Alright hang on," his response was filled with frustration.

"Hey Cap the girl won't move, says she has a friend here," he says looking at you, waiting for more info.

"Cell 25, his names Ryder," you instruct him.

He relays your message, and seconds later looks back at you.

"There's no one in that cell."

"What? Yes there is, he's in there!" you reply confused and angry.
You go to run past the tin man but he grabs you by your middle stopping you from going anywhere.

"What are you doing?! Get off me! Let me show you where he is! I'm not leaving him!!" you wrestle in his grasp.

"They've released more gas we need to evac now," the woman looked at the man she called Tony.

"Okay kid, we don't have time for this," the man says frustrated as he blasts a large hole where the barred window once was. One arm still wrapped around you he effortlessly lifts you off the ground and flies you outside.

"NOOOOOOOO!" You scream and fight in his grip hurting your hands as you hit his cold metallic frame.

As you hold on to his arm with both your hands a large blast of electricity runs through his body.
His arm releases you, sending you to the ground which thankfully wasn't that far away. You landed on your feet, knees bent, one hand on the ground to steady yourself.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y! What was that?" the man asked his suit as he landed on the grass.
He watched you run back towards the building and sighed.
He lifted his right arm and aimed it at a you.

"Use a tranq, F.R.I.D.A.Y"

That was the last thing you heard as your body hit the ground. You could feel the cold liquid enter your bloodstream as you felt the damp grass on your skin.

Then everything went black.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now