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Your eyes slowly opened to the familiar surroundings of your brightly lit bedroom. With your mouth dry as a desert and your brain pounding out of your skull you grab a bed throw and wrap it around your body and head, shielding most of the light from your eyes.
You head down to the kitchen to drink all of the water out of the tap you see the most magnificent, hangover curing breakfast waiting for you, with a pint of ice cold water on the side. You don't hesitate and sit infront of the counter stuffing the food into your mouth.

"Oh my god, it's so good," you whisper to yourself.

Just then Tony stumbles through the door wearing silk pyjamas and sunglasses, his hair sticking up every which way.
He smiles when he sees you, "hey, what up E.T"

You chuckle at his appearance and comment as you continue to eat.

"Wait, where did you get that awesome breakfast from?" he asks his mouth almost watering.

"You want to sh..," Tony didn't let you finish the word share before he grabbed a fork and started to shovel food in his mouth.

Normally you wouldn't share food with people but you made an exception for your new friend.

After breakfast you both head over to the couch, the plan for the afternoon was going to be nothing more than films, tacky reality tv and snacks.
You unwrap yourself from your blanket and share it with Tony.

The two of you were there for a couple of hours until the first signs of other people emerged.

"Woah, you guys open a liquor store while we were gone?" Steve asks as he enters the room, smelling the alcohol that was consumed last night.

"That would be a shit business since we drank most of it," you smirk, face still glued to the tv.

Steve walks over to the curtains and flings them open letting the sunlight hit you and Tony. Both of you recoiled and hissed, like vampires. Followed with a slurry of inaudible words as you talked over each other telling Steve to shut the curtains, which he didn't do.

"Wait until I tell Barton you have a new drinking partner," Natasha jokingly gasps.

"Clints got nothing on Sparks, go ahead and tell him," Tony bigs you up, making you smile, but still fixated on the tv.

Then you heard his voice, "i take it you two had fun last night then?" Buckys voice caresses your ears.
You turn your attention from the tv to him.

"I...we...," words stutter out of your mouth, you didn't want Bucky to think that anything happened between you and Tony last night. You were starting to form a good friendship with him, nothing more.

"Me and my new bestie had a blast yesterday," Tony chimes in putting emphasis on the word blast.

"Meaning?" Steve quizzed.

"Meaning that they went to the firing range and tested out (y/n) powers," Bucky revealed.

You looked at him confused as to how he knew. He caught your expression and offered his answer, "i went to swap out a gun when we arrived back and found glass everywhere."

"How do you know it wasn't just Tony showing off?" you jab at your new 'bestie' earning you a soft punch to the arm.

"The markings on the wall behind showed two different sonic blast patterns, one Tonys, one yours."

"Don't expect to have any secrets in this place, these two," he wags his fingers between Bucky and Steve will find out everything.

"Wait you tested her powers WHILE SHE WAS INTOXICAATED!" Steve said aggresivly.

"Oh relax for once Rogers, no one got hurt," Tony retorts.

Steve clenched his jaw, you could see he wanted to argue back but Natasha interrupted the two of them by walking over to you with her phone in her hand.

"You recognize this person?" she asked bluntly showing you a photo.

You study the face that was staring back at you, "that's the guy who recruited me."

"Great," Steve uttered under his breath.

"What's wrong?" You asked sensing the tone of the room had changed.

"He used a cyanide pill before we could get any info out of him," Nat answers putting her phone away.

Steve sighs, "i will tell agent Hill to keep our agents posted, see if we can find out anything else."

"Maybe I could help?" You offer, "you could have me posted in one of the hospitals? I would be able to identify other members of Struckers team, if they were ones from the facility."

Everyone is quiet for what seems like the longest time waiting to see what Steve would decide. Bucky secretly held his breath.

"Absolutely not," Steve finally decides, "you haven't proven that you have control over your power...," Tony was about to interrupt, "blasting bottles while drunk isn't proof," Steve quickly shoots at Tony who decides not to argue. "You don't have any experience in the field, it would be too dangerous for you and others."

It was true you didn't have any experience in the real world, you hadn't had the chance to utilize your training that you had been given, but that did not mean that you couldn't do it. The stubbornness in you was going to prove them wrong.

Bucky however was relieved with his friends decision.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now