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You woke up and removed the covers from around you, glancing at the clock it was 6am. After taking off yesterdays clothes you grab a quick shower and change into a fresh pair of black jeans, black tank top, finishing it off with a dark green hoodie that you left flowing open. Natasha hadn't given you much color choice when it came to your clothing.
Closing your door behind you quietly as not to wake anyone you head down to the lounge to make yourself a strong coffee. Entering the lounge - kitchen area you see Bucky at the counter making breakfast. You hadn't made any sound but somehow he knew you were there.

"Good morning," he says as you approach the kitchen counter and take a seat on a bar stool.

"Morning," you reply.

You watch as he finishes up and gets two plates out of a cupboard and shares his scrambled eggs and bacon. He puts the plate in front of you and places a cup of coffee next to it.

You look up at him,"you don't have to."

"Its alright, i made too much anyway," he smiled.

You could tell that was a lie, from his huge build he could of easily eaten 3 times the amount he made but you appreciated it non the less. He took a seat next to you and you both ate in silence, which weirdly felt comfortable. There was something about him that made you feel comfortable around him, much like the way you felt when listening to Steve talk.

"Thank you for giving us the information that you did last night," he compliments you as he finishes eating.

You look at him giving a small nod, "i'm sorry that i had to cut it short, i, umm...its hard to relive," you admit.

He looks back at you and gives you a knowing look, "it's alright, with the info that you gave us Steve and Nat have gone to deploy our agents into hospitals around the area to see if we can catch the guy who is recruiting people like yourself, or at the very least get some leads."

You ponder for a moment,"do you know what would of happened to me if they had me longer?"

Bucky looks at you for a moment, probably wondering whether it was the right decision to tell you or not.

"From the little intel we were able to gather from their database, it seems like they would of trained you to become an assassin, like myself. Had you of been good enough they would of trained you to infiltrate organizations that they disagree with and take down people that stood in their way of what they wanted. Becoming a highly trained assassin coupled in with having an enhanced ability would make you very dangerous."

You remembered that Steve had mention Bucky had had a similar experience to you. You didn't know if you were crossing a line by asking the next question so you said it softly.

"Did they experiment on you too?"

Bucky slowly got up from his seat and started to clear away the dishes the question clearly made him uncomfortable.

Thinking you had made a mistake you were quick to apologies, "i'm sorry its okay if you don't want to tell me, i shouldn't of asked."

After putting the dishes in the sink he turned back to face you leaning on the counter behind him, his arms crossed over his torso.

"To make a very long story short, Steve and i were on a mission that went wrong. An organization called Hydra found me half dead and missing an arm. They decided to make me into their own personal weapon, giving me a metal arm, trained me to be an assassin, had me infiltrate and...," he pauses, "dispose of people," he exhales, "and they'd wiped my memories every time i completed a mission or didn't comply."

You look at him not knowing what to say, Bucky could see this so he continued as he walks back over to you,
"luckily I have really good friends who helped in giving me a second chance," he smiles taking his seat next to you again.

"You guys don't owe me anything, so why help me?" you ask.

"Its our job," he says bluntly, "imagine if we let you walk out of here without having control of your powers".

You think for a moment looking at your hands, he was right, without knowing how it works you could hurt yourself or other people.

"I think you'll fit right in here," Bucky tries to convince you, "plus I want you to stay," he adds searching your eyes for your answer.

You smile at him, your proximity to each other was awfully close, his knee centimeters away from grazing your thigh as he sat facing you whilst you sat forward facing, resting your arms on the counter.

"I guess I have no option but to stay then," you say playfully.

Just then Tony burst through the door which made you jump making Bucky laugh a little. Tony grabs the rest of the coffee from the pot and pours himself a large cup, taking a sip after he's poured in his milk he turns to see you and Bucky.

He raises an eyebrow, "you don't want to get mixed up with this one kid, he's the 'bad boy' of the group," he says jokingly.

"And I suppose that makes you the grandpa of the group?" Sometimes your wit was faster than your brain.

Bucky give a stifled laugh, as you blush realizing what you had just said.

"Wow, you try and help some people...," he mumbles into his cup of coffee as he take another sip, "speaking of help" Tony segways, "would you mind giving us a blood sample so we can see what kind of formula Strucker gave you?"

"Um, yeah sure," you reply nervously, Tony didn't pick up on it but Bucky did.

"Awesome follow me," Tony directs.

You look at Bucky but you didn't have to say anything.

"Want me to come with you?" he asks.

You nod your head gently, then follow the two men down to the lab.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now