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After changing out of your work out gear you head down to the lounge to find Tony already behind the bar making mixing a drink.

"Here try this," he asks as he slides a martini glass towards you.

Taking a sip you cough a little as the intense alcohol taste hits the back of your throat.

"Jeez, that'll raise the dead," you cough again.

"Ah good, thought I had made it too weak," he grins taking a sip smoothly, "so, my new drinking buddy, what do you want to do, pool, cards, poker?"

"What did your last drinking buddy of? alcohol poisoning?" you say as you take another sip.

Tony gives you a roll of his eyes, "the others don't drink, well Clint does when he's here, Nat not so much and alcohol doesn't effect Beevis and Butthead," Tony giggles at his own description of Steve and Bucky.

You look at him with furrowed brows.

"OH GOD! How old are you kid? You don't know Beevis and Butthead?" Tony asked shocked.

"Calm down Grandpa i know who Beevis and Butthead are, I'm just trying to figure out which is Steve and which is Bucky," you laugh.

"Well that's up to interpretation, and I don't like you calling me Grandpa," he admits.
"Well you better get use to it," you smile.
Tony smiles at your confidence, and walks over to the pool table, "you up for a game?"

"Sure, but let's make it interesting," you reply, "for every ball you pot the other player takes a half shot".

"You're on!" Tony exclaims.

10 balls in the pocket 4 to you 6 to Tony, all he has to do is pot the 8 and hes won, you had 2 to catch up and the 8 to finish it.

"Well it looks like I'm gonna win," Tony says as you circle the table looking for the best angle.

"Hmmm," you hum placing a hand on your hip, "i bet you $50 that i can still win".

Tony doesn't even think twice and reaches into his pocket placing a $50 on the table from his stack of notes in his wallet.

"Go ahead Sparks," he says cockily.

You swiftly take the position that you had decided on before making the bet with Tony, lining up your shots you pot one, then the other, and then back hand trick shot the 8 ball into the furthest pocket. Tony's mouth falls open as you make your way over to your crisp new $50 note and place it into your pocket.

"Thanks," you smile innocently.

"You just fleeced me!" Tony says still shocked.

"I don't know what your talking about," you reply coyly, "but i do know you need to take 3 half shots," you say walking over to the bar to pour them out.

As the afternoon goes on you both become more visibly intoxicated. Both of you playing games, drinking and just generally talking. You listen intently as Tony tells you stories of the Avengers and the missions they had been on together. He shows you one of his older Iron Man helmets and without a seconds thought you place it in your head, "how do you even see out of this thing?" you squint your eyes and make finger guns, pretend shooting the glasses and ornaments off the surrounding counter tops.

"SPARKS!" Tony shouts in excitement.

Thinking something was wrong you quickly remove the helmet from your head.

"You've just given me the best idea! Come on!" Tony leaps from his seat next to you.

He was almost out the door before you stood up from the sofa, "hey wait up!"

Catching up to Tony he leads you down to a shooting range, he presses a button and a series of various glass bottles appears in the target zone. You watch as he presses a button on his watch and an Iron Man hand forms around his normal hand.

"So this is the part where you get me in trouble," you say a little worried, now piecing together what he was going to suggest.

He sees your hesitation, "your powers are based on emotions right?"

You nod in acknowledgement.

"And were having fun, arnt we? Just stick with that fun feeling, let loose, your in safe hands here, you got this," Tony tells you as he hands you some safety goggles, "name one of your favorite upbeat songs."

"(Fave upbeat/feel good songs)," you reply.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y put that track on would ya?"

"Yes Mister Stark"

"Right Sparks, you ready now? First to blast all their the bottles wins."

Just as Tony had finished speaking your song kicks in, that combined with Tony's little pep talk had given you a boost of confidence in yourself.

"Ready.........GO!" Tony leads.

You focused materializing your energy as you blasted the bottles, having trained with guns you had the eagle eyed precision you needed, your lightening blasts were small but controlled. For the first time you smiled whilst using your power, you were having fun and it felt like a break through, like you could finally see that you could have control over your powers.

"YES!" Tony exclaims winning by 1 bottle, "holy smokes Sparks that was amazing!" He says looking over at your broken bottles, you let a huge smile spread across your face.

"I'm sorry (y/n)," Tony announces out of the blue.

You look over at him, "What for?"

"For the way i treated you when you first got here, how i jumped to conclusions and judged you before i knew the whole story," Tony admits.

"Geez how drunk are you? Don't get all weepy on me," you smile.

Tony gives you a sad and hopeless look, that's when you realized he was genuine.

You take a moment before answering honestly, "don't worry about it Tony, like you mentioned before, its part of your job to protect others and yourself, you were playing it safe."

Tony pulls you into a silent hug, "thanks Sparks".

"Don't mention it Gramps."

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now