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"Whenever your ready, we will get coms set up, get you a disguise and we can deploy you to one of the hospitals."

After changing into some dark blue skinny leans, black tank top, dark green cargo jacket and combat boots you head back downstairs where everyone was waiting.

"Here you go Sparks," Tony hands you a phone, "all our numbers are in here under different aliases, you'll know who's who, just incase you get in trouble." and then hands you a wallet with some cash, "and some money for lunch." Tony smiles.

"Thanks Gramps," you smile as you put your phone and wallet in your pockets.

"Here," Natasha holds out a black baseball cap.

"What's this?" you ask.

"Your disguise."

You audibly laugh as she hands you it, "this is it?"

She half laughs with you, "you'd be surprised how well this works.
You take it from her and place it on your head.

"An agent is waiting outside to take you to Bellevue, you see anyone or anything remotely suspicious you report it to us and we will take over," Steve tells you.

Bucky finally speaks up looking directly at you to make sure you were taking in what he was about to say, "you get into any sort of trouble use the word Whiskey and i....," he immediately corrects himself, "we will come get you."


The car journey to the hospital was a quiet one, you sat staring out the window. From the time you went willingly to Struckers, to the Avengers, to now it had been months since you had been in the outside world. You enjoyed watching people, walking, talking, laughing, it brought a smile to your face.

"We are here Miss (l/n)," the agent tells you from the front of the car.

You swing the door open and step out, heading to the wards with the most terminally ill. You stood in the corridor looking into one of the patients rooms, it was hard to see someone in the same position that you were once in. You take a seat and wait around for most of the day, keeping an eye out for anything. Your phone buzzes in your pocket, taking it out you read a text from "Genius Playboy".

"You've got to be kidding me," you whisper to yourself knowing full well who would call themselves that.

"Hows it going? You got anything?"

"Nah, nothing'" you reply.

"Okay, come home," he responds.

Reading the word home, made you smile. You were unsure if it was just Tony using vague terminology or whether he truly saw his home as yours now too.

"Okay but I'm going to walk back, get some more fresh air if that's okay?"

"Sure thing, see you soon."

"Also I'm changing your name to Gramps," you reply, not even waiting to see his response before changing it and sliding it back into your pocket.

You stand up and stretch your limbs before heading down and out of the hospital, the sun was setting and the buildings shone a bright gold around you.

Stark Tower wasn't hard to find as you looked around at the skyline. Heading in that direction you see a quaint patisserie you head in and grab yourself a hot drink.
Whilst you were waiting for the barista to make your drink you take a look around the room and lock eyes with someone, a man, sat with a laptop in front of him who quickly goes back to typing when you see him. He didn't look familiar or threatening, maybe he thought you looked cute? You shrugged it off. You pay for your items and head out the door, deciding to take it slow and enjoy as much freedom as you could before having to go back to the tower.

As the lift doors open you are greeted to Tony and Nat making dinner, Steve relaxing on the sofa and Bucky sat at the end of his seat rubbing his hands together in nervous anticipation.

"Hey, (y/n) your just in time for dinner," Nat smiles.

"Smells amazing," you say heading over to the kitchen, "good job i picked up some dessert," you say placing the box of donuts you had bought at the coffee shop onto the counter.

Steve walks over to help set the table, you pass him heading over to Bucky.

"You okay?" you ask.

"I am now," he says with a smile looking into your eyes.

"I take it you didn't find anything?" Steve asks from across the room making you avert your eyes.

"Nope, nothing just your regular run of the mill hospital. Hopefully i can find something when i go back tomorrow," you tell them.

Steve looks at you.

"I was thinking i could go back tomorrow but at a different time, maybe late afternoon into night? In case they run their operations later in the day?"

"That a girl Sparks," Tony encourages.

You noticed that Steve gave a subtle look over to Bucky before looking back and replying to you, "you don't have to....," he starts but you interrupt him. "I know, but i want to, i want to help," you say as you sit down to eat.

"She sounds like you Rogers," Nat points out.

"Oh God, there's two of them," Tony says pretending to be shocked.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now