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You noticed Bucky was close by you all afteroon, you liked him being around you, he gave you a warm safe feeling whenever he was close by.

Once dinner had arrived you sat at the table, Bucky next to you.
Whilst everyone talked amongst themselves you sat staring out the window picking at your food mulling over all the info you were given.

"What do you think (y/n)?" you hear a voice somewhere in the distance.

You feel an elbow lightly nudge your side. You look to your left to see Bucky.

"Huh?" escapes your mouth as you try to figure out what you missed.

Steve talks from across the table, "we are all training tomorrow, you should join us. See if we can get some control over those powers."

The question catches you off guard and you didn't want to be rude, "uhmmm yeah sure," stumbles out of your mouth.

"Great," Steve replies with enthusiasm, "it would be good to see your skills," he pauses a moment, "if your up for it of course," Steve adds hastily.

You just smile and nod taking the last bite of your food.
Steve and Nat clear the table as Tony walks over to the TV to set up a film.

"Hey," the voice next to you whispers, his voice warm and smooth.
You turn to look at Bucky next to you, god he's handsome.
"Are you okay? You seem a little distant."

"I'm fine," whisper back giving him a half smile. Looking at him made you forget your current thoughts.

"Good, I don't like to see you worried," he admits.

Your smile grew bigger and your cheeks flushed.

"Films ready," Tony shouts over to the two of you snapping you from your new thoughts about Bucky.
You both get up and move to the couch, taking the empty space next to Steve letting Bucky fill the space next to you.
Sitting between the two super soldiers was a tight squeeze. The left side of your body could feel the warmth emanating from Bucky which made you relax into the sofa. As you get comfortable you find yourself gravitating towards his warmth as you rest a small portion of your body onto his, hoping that you weren't crossing some sort of line.
He didn't move, the slight presence of your body touching his made him relax into the sofa too.
The lights lowered and the film began to play, Back To The Future, a classic and one of Tony's favorites apparently.

Half way into the film and you feel your eyes growing heavier. Your head slowly moves until it finds something or someone to rest on.


You stretch your limbs and clutch at soft white bedding. Your eyes open slowly as you realize you are in your bed. Yawning and removing the covers you see your wearing yesterday's clothes.

"Did i fall asleep downstairs? Or did I manage to make it to bed?"
You think to yourself as you couldn't remember how you came to be there.

Showering and changing into your gym clothes after remembering what Steve had asked you, you head downstairs feeling fully refreshed.
Once again Bucky was stood making breakfast, this time he had already set out two plates and had a pot of coffee ready for you.
And again he says, "good morning," without turning to face you as he finishes plating up the food.

This made you smile, "how do you do that?" You ask curiously.

He turns and places your plate in front of you, "your loud on your feet," he gives a playful smirk.

"'Am not," you retort playfully.

He begins to eat his breakfast and you gladly join.
The rest of the team filter into the kitchen, Nat first picking up some fruit from the bowl, then Steve and Tony a few minutes later.

"I'm just saying what if?" Tony speaks to Steve as he opens the kitchen door.

"One thing at a time Tony," Steve tells him.

"Ah good everyone's here," Tony says grabbing everyone's attention and turns to face you.
"After your episode with Happy yesterday it got me thinking. So I gave your files a look over last night after you went to snooze town."

So I did fall asleep downstairs. You mentally face palm yourself.

"It seems to me that the variations in your powers could be linked to your limbic system, more specifically your Amygdala. It's basically the part of your brain that controls your emotional response to things."

"That would explain a few things," you whisper more so to yourself.

"I mean I could be wrong, but honestly that never happens," Tony boasts.

"So what do you suggest?" you ask.

"Some deep breathing, meditation those kinds of things." Tony says as he acts out the deep breathing.
He walks past you and jabs you with something sharp, it startles you and small wisps of electricity run over your fingers.

"Theory proven," Tony smiles.

"Tony!" Steve says sternly.

"What?! I needed to conclude my research."

You were unaware of the death stare Bucky was giving Tony, as you look to see Nat was getting up to leave, "come on, you can train with me, let's leave these....boys."

You follow Nat down to the gym with the "boys" not far behind.

You run track with Nat keeping pace with her. Tony opted to sit on the side lines with a screwdriver tinkering with something. Steve and Bucky set off running, they were both incredibly fast even just jogging they lap the two of you.

"Show offs," Nat says loud enough to you so that they'd hear on their way past.

Once you were both warmed up you copied Nat as she stretched out her muscles and limbs.

"Want to show me what you've got?"

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now