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You had spent all afternoon in the hospital on various wards, watching and waiting to report something to the rest of the team with no luck.

You decided to call it a day and make your way back to the tower, making a stop at the coffee shop on the way. As the waiter is finishing bagging you treats you glance around seeing the same man from yesterday, this time he gave you a friendly smile.
"You don't need to pay miss, the gentleman at that table put it on his tab," the cashier tells you. You look back over and mouth the words thank you before collecting your things and leaving.
"See people in New York can be nice," you think to yourself. That was until you noticed someone following you.

To prove your theory you take a different path and take your time looking in shop windows, and just as you thought, he stayed on your tail. You needed to loose the creep so you decide to take matters into your own hands and go down a dimly lit alley in the hopes of losing him in the shadows.

"Hey beautiful where you headed?" the man shouts after you. As he does 2 hooded figures appear blocking your exit, you hear a van roll up behind the guy who was stalking you. You knew what you had to do, you stay calm and don't move from your spot in the middle of the alley, as the guy who was following you gets closer.

The tall guy reaches you and instantly you recognize him as the guy from the café.
"Heyyy, me and my buddies here just want to talk," his mouth smirks as he lies.

You look behind you at the two other guys approaching, after assessing the situation you tell them, "we can do this the easy way, or the hard way," confident enough that you could take them on.

His eyes eyebrows raise in surprise, "you hear that boys, this ones got some fight in her," they all laugh at his comment.

"Your damn right i do," your right fist connects with his face making him stumble backwards clutching his nose. The two guys move in from behind you, your left elbow connects with the guy to your left, as you spin on the spot, knocking him sideways. The third grabs your left arm as your spinning and pulls you towards him, which was a bad move as your knee connected to his stomach, his grip loosened enough for you to escape his grasp. The stalker went in for a punch and connected with your abdomen knocking the wind from your lungs. The two other guys saw this as an opportunity to each grab one of your arms, you tried to wriggle free but they were stronger than you.

Stalker guy punches you, catching your cheekbone and bursting your lip "Strucker will definitely like this one," the stalker exclaims as you spit blood from your mouth.

Your eyes narrowed,
"What did you just say?" You whisper more to yourself than to anyone else.

The van pulls in down the alley way, ready for the guys to throw you in the back. Without thinking you hold on to the two guys arms and send shock waves through their bodies illuminating the dark alley. Both of them collapse onto the floor in agony, the stalker guy took a few paces back, scared after seeing your power. Franticly he slides open the van door and hops inside, "FUCK, GO, GO, GO!" he shouted at the driver.
The van reverses at speed out of the alley way, you fire your electricity at it hoping it would do something, but it just bounces off the windshield.

"SHIT!" you shout in frustration into the dark alley.

You hear sirens drawing closer with red and blue lights reflecting off the buildings.
You practically run back to the tower bursting through the lift doors as soon as they open.

You spot Tony across the room in the kitchen, you half walk, half jog over to him, ignoring the rest of the team on the sofas.

"Tony, can you pull up police reports of missing people?" you ask to his back as he is making a drink.
This alerts everyone on the sofas as they look in your direction.

"I'm sure i could find away into them, why what's up?" he asks as he turns around to face you, "Whoa! What happened to your face?"

That was enough to get everyone else up out of their seats and over to you as you explain. The team looked at your cut lip and light bruising on your jaw, Bucky's expression was different from the rest, his body tensed with anger.

"Who did this to you?" Bucky asks with a serious tone you've never heard before.

"Struckers men," you tell him as you tenderly touch your lip with your finger to check if its still bleeding.

"What? How did they find you?" Steve asks.

"They didn't know who i was, i think they are just straight up kidnapping people off the street. Apparently i must of looked like an easy target," you tell them.

"I'm sorry that happened to you," Steve says genuinely.

"You should of called us in to help," Bucky says.

"Well the thing about being jumped and kidnapped....," you trail off.

"So what happened to them?" Natasha asks.

"I had to use my powers to get away out of the grasp of 2 of them, the 3rd took off in the van that rolled up. Someone must of called the cops so i took off."

"If they report back to Strucker that you used electric powers, he's going figure out its you," Bucky say with concern.

"Then they'll come for me," you say with a heavy sigh.

"We will protect you," Bucky says looking into your now sad eyes. You half smiled at how protective he was of you.

"So what do we do next?" Tony asks the group.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now