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You stir as you wake feeling Buckys arm wrapped under you, your head on his shoulder/chest and your arm draped over his torso.

Your greeted with a soft kiss to your forehead, "morning doll," Buckys soft voice half whispers.

You stretch your limbs whilst still in his hold, "morning," you repeat with a smile.

You lay there for a moment before hesitantly moving to get up to shower. You swing your legs off the bed, "where are you going? Come on just 5 more minutes?" Bucky asks.
You turn your head back to look at him, "join me in the shower if you want," you smile before getting up and walking towards the bathroom naked.
You hear Bucky mutter something along the lines of not having to ask him twice as he follows you.

After helping each other get clean you dry off and put on an outfit for the day, high wasited black skinny jeans, a dark green vest top, a black denim jacket and combat boots.
Bucky walks out of the bathroom in just a towel, his hair still slightly wet as droplets roll down his chest, you couldn't help but bite your lip and suppress a smile.

"I'm going to get some fresh clothes, I will see you downstairs," he tells you as he opens your door.

You proceed to pick up the clothes that were scattered around your floor and make your bed before heading down to the lounge.

You were sitting on the sofa talking to Steve and Nat about the mission you were going on. Bucky soon joined you followed by Tony a few moments later.

"God I'm good," Tony exclaims to the group, "here Sparks."
He holds out a silver necklace that had a little lightning bolt pendant, "if you squeeze the pendant between your fingers it will send an emergency signal to all of our phones and we will come get you. Totally inconspicuous to the naked eye, and totally compliments your outfit," Tony winks giving you a cheeky smile at his own prowess.

"Its beautiful Tony, thank you," you say holding it in your palm.

"As soon as you wear it and that clasp closes it will be active," he adds.

"Thankyou," Bucky says to Tony with sincerity in his voice.

"So what time are you heading out?" Tony asks.

"Its probably best if she leave it until the same time as last night," Natasha answers.

"Right," you agree.

"So we've got time to hang out together and watch some tv?" Tony suggests.

"I wouldn't want it any other way," you smile as Tony sits on the sofa.


Time seemed to go pretty quick which isn't exactly what you wanted.

"I think it's time," Steve tells you.

Getting up from your seat you pluck the necklace from your pocket.

"Here, let me," Bucky gently took the necklace and placed it around your neck. You move your hair out of the way for him to clasp it shut.

Everyone stepped away to give you two a moment as he held you in his arms.

"I'm going to miss you," he tells you.

"I won't be gone long," you try to reassure him.

"Be careful," he tells you.

"I will," you try to smile through the sadness of seeing him anxious.

"I love you (y/n)" he confesses.

"I love you too," you reply.

He leans in for a deep kiss, then kisses the top of your forehead when you pull away.

Heading over to the rest if the group you hug them all individually, "look after him while I'm gone," you ask Steve, who nods his head.

"Its not too late to back out," Tony offers.

"I know, but I've got to do this, I need to help put a stop to them hurting people," you tell him.

"You sure your last name isn't Rogers?" he chuckles.

"Right, well," you say as you get into the lift, you could bring yourself to say goodbye, instead you gave them a small wave of your hand as the doors closed on you.

You exhale all the air from your lungs and breath back in deep. This was it you were about to put yourself in enemy territory, gain as much Intel as possible, get in and out undetected and finally help put a stop to their plans, that was your mission.

With your mind focused you head to the coffee shop that you were at yesterday and sure enough the same guy was sat in the same seat, probably waiting for his next victim. His face was bruised from where you had punched him, this made you stifle a smile. Once he had caught a glimpse of who you were he instantly stood from his chair. You calmly turn and lead him out of the coffee shop and down the street they blocked you in.

"Back for round two eyy," he raises his voice to you enough so his cronies creep out of the shadows, "you know when i told Strucker about what happened yesterday, he knew who you were."

"That's why I'm here, I want to go back."

"Well sweetheart that works out for all of us," he says splaying his arms open and smiling as him and his cronies surround you, "said he didn't want any loose ends running around New York telling stories."

"I haven't said anything to anyone, even if I did they wouldn't believe me," you lie.

"Smart girl," he compliments you.

He signals to the two guys behind you who each grab one of your arms.

"I will come peacefully," you tell them.

"Oh we know you will," he smirks, "but this is for yesterday." His fist meets your nose then your stomach.

You groan and spit blood as your wound re opens from yesterday.

"There we go," he says holding your chin so your now stinging eyes were forced to look at him, "no hard feelings huh."

One of the guys behind you cuffs you and the other puts a black cloth over your head, you hear the van pull up and the door slide open as they shove you inside.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now