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You made sure to eat well and stay hydrated for the rest of the afternoon, calling it a night at 9pm you head to bed early ready to get up and train early tomorrow.

Your alarm sounds at 5am. Getting up and putting a fully black workout outfit on you head down to the gym and begin to exercise, interval training was your go to. After an hour of working out you finish with some light stretches and yoga to cool down. You grab your towel and wipe your sweat from your face and chest as you head up to the kitchen.

Searching the cupboards you find what you were looking for. You grab and fill the protein shaker with various post workout powders and some fruit, once done you take it down to the firing range with you.

Opening the cabinet you pick a pistol from the huge selection, giving it the once over you take it apart and put it back together, loading it with bullets you press the button for moving cardboard targets to appear. You hit around 80% of your targets, "definitely room for improvement," you say to yourself. You stay in the range practicing, perfecting your aim.

Once you felt like you had practiced enough you head upstairs to shower and change. Swinging open your door to head downstairs your faced with Bucky who was just about to knock on your door.

"Oh hey," you say a little startled, "is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I was just coming to check on you, you missed breakfast," he says innocently.

You felt a little guilty, "yeah sorry about that, I wanted to train this morning, I hope it didn't go to waste?"

You notice his body language change as he leans against your door frame, "what are you training for?" Totally skipping over your question.

You didn't want to make a big deal out of it, "Oh you know, just generally exercising and trying to get a handle on my powers."

"How'd it go?"

"It was fine, a few things i could improve on but in all it was good," you smile.

He nods and clenches his jaw giving a hint of a smirk, "you didn't like Steve telling you no yesterday did you?"

He saw right through you, "how do you do that?" you ask without thinking.

"Do what?" Bucky replies even though he knows exactly what you mean.

"See right through me, like you know what I'm doing before i do?"

"Well its an old assassin secret to elicit information from the enemy without them realizing that they are giving away secrets," he admittedly shows off, "you must of missed that lesson," he grins.

You change your stance and put your hands on your hips, pretending to get mad, "first off, enemy?" you question, "secondly that's like a total invasion of privacy, and thirdly, you need to teach me how to do it."

Bucky stands from his leaning position and smiles. He moves in close to you ready to whisper in your ear, his face inches form ours, your heart beat faster in anticipation, "if i told you, it wouldn't be a secret now would it."

"Oh come on, it could really help me!" you say with a little huff of frustration.

Bucky smiles at your pouty face, "your forgetting one other thing doll, your not an assassin."

In he heat of mild flirtation Bucky called you doll, his affectionate word for a someone he liked. Did he do it on purpose or was it a slip of the tongue? Either way you liked it, and it erupted butterflies in your stomach.

You take a moment to compose yourself, "not an assassin huh? Maybe you could teach me a thing or two?"
"Oh my gosh, are you really flirting with him right now?" You think to yourself.

Just as Bucky was about to reply to you Steve's voice echoes from down the hallway, "you ready to train Buck?"

You swore you saw Bucky's eyes roll before he turned to reply to his friend, "yeah sure thing Steve."


The next few days pass by quickly as you concentrate on training , Nat would occasionally help and show you a couple of her moves to add to your fighting style which you appreciated.

"I'm impressed," Nat compliments you, "you've definitely come into your own when it comes to fighting."

"Thanks Nat," you say through labored breaths as you try to cool down from your workout session with her, "it means a lot."

As you both head upstairs you see Steve, Tony and Bucky, who looked to be having a serious conversation, but as soon as you and Nat entered the room they stopped. Everyone looked your way but it was Bucky's face you focused on, it looked pained with guilt.

You sensed something wasn't quite right, "what? Whats going on?"

Steve was the one to walk towards you as he spoke, "our shield agents haven't had anymore leads for Strucker and i wanted to take you up on your offer."
You looked at Steve for a moment to make sure he wasn't joking, but his expression was serious, he followed it up with, "from what Nat has been telling me about your training and the footage Tony has shown me of you controlling your powers i think you've proven yourself capable of being out in the field."

"But its purely a identification mission, you see someone you know, you report back to us and we will extract them.You wont need to engage in any combat," Bucky quickly interjects, in an attempt to reassure you, or himself.

"So what do you think?" Steve asks drawing your attention back to him.

"When do i start?" you ask with confidence.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now