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"What do you mean you volunteered?" Tony asks.

"Well....i....", you stutter, noticing Tony's demeanor change.

"Hey were not here to judge," Steve says looking at Tony, "we just want to know how his operation works so we can stop this from happening to other people," he finishes looking back at you.

Taking a deep breath you begin to tell your story.
"They give hope to people who have nothing left to lose, they prey on the vulnerable and weave a web of lies to get what they want. Had i known the truth i would never of gone with them," you say this looking around at everyone, as if you were looking for forgiveness.

You pause for a moment trying to hold your composure as the next part was hard to relive.

"Its okay if you don't want to tell us just yet," Bucky looks into your eyes.

"Its okay," you whisper back to him looking into his ocean eyes. It was nice that he was so concerned about you and your feelings. No one had ever cared that much before.

"I was diagnosed with Lupus Erythematosus, the doctors gave me 6 months, they admitted me to hospital and i was only there for a month when a man walked into my hospital room. He told me how he had a similar life threatening illness and that these people took him in and cured him. He showed me a video on a hand held tablet of him sick, getting treatment and then there he was as living proof that it had worked."

"And you believed him?" Tony said more as a statement than a question.

"Not at first but he was very convincing. I asked him what would happen if the treatment didn't work for me? His reply was 'What would it matter if your going to die anyway?'

You notice Bucky look a little uncomfortable as you said that.

"He explained that if the treatment worked that i had to stay and work for them, he didn't exactly say what the work entailed but my options weren't great," you breathed in sharp trying to hold it together.
"So i went with him, he took me to the facility and after my first treatment that's when i knew things were not exactly as he had led me to believe. They wanted me and the 9 other patients to gain a special ability so then they could move us up to the training floor.

"You said you had treatments? What did they entail?" Natasha asked.

"They ummm...," you start pulling at the cotton on your hoodie sleeves trying to forget the pain.
"They would inject me with what they called the activator and then they would put my body through extreme situations in the hopes my genes would mutate."

"You only get 10 attempts then they dispose of you," you add.

Steve glances at Bucky then back at you, "what do you mean by extreme situations?"

"Drowning, sensory deprivation, putting me in a chamber and increasing the heat so it felt like i was on fire or decreasing the temperature so i was nearly frozen, just to name a few."

"I'm sorry that happened to you," Bucky said from across the table, his voice sounded like he felt your pain with a hint of anger.

"You said you got moved to the training floor? So what ability did you get?" Natasha seemed to be good at picking up on parts of your story.

"They strapped me up to a huge industrial battery and let the current run through my body, increasing the voltage in increments. Turns out that was the one that worked and i got the mutation of electricity."
You hold out your right hand and show the team as small sparks of white and blue jump around the surface of your skin, then they dissipate, "as you can see i haven't learned to control it properly yet."

"Wow, how did you get through all that?" Tony asked seeming more sympathetic towards you.

"I did make a really good friend there, his name was Ryder and if it weren't for him i don't know what i would of done, he's the one who kept me strong."

That was it, just the mention of his name had a tear roll down your cheek, as quickly as it falls you wipe it away and stand to your feet.

"I think I'm going to call it a night," you tell the team as you head to the door as quick as you can.
Making it to your room you curl up under the sheets and let the tears continue to fall.


They all let out a heavy sigh, non of them were expecting the story that you had just told.

"So what do we do next?" Tony asks the team.

"Nat and i will head to the shield compound in the morning and talk to Fury, get some agents on the ground, place them in local hospitals and see if we get any leads from there," Steve tells them.
"You two stay here and make sure she stays out of trouble," giving that order more to Bucky than Tony.
"It's maybe worth getting a blood sample from her, see if she still has traces of that activator she talked about, see what its made of?" Steve asks Tony, "only if shes okay with it, if she cant control her powers we cant afford to trigger them and cause damage to anyone or anything. Everyone okay with that?"

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now