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Nat and Steve stood near Tony who was sitting on the edge of the sofa, typing on the blue holoscreen that appeared on the coffee table. Bucky starts to look for the first aid kit in the kitchen whilst you sat at the bar taking a shot of vodka to numb the pain in your face.

"Well your defiantly onto something Sparks, 5 people have gone missing in the past 2 days," Tony shouts to you from across the room, "all in the lower Manhattan region."

Steve places his hands on the back of the sofa to get a better look at the files Tony was looking through, "is there any correlation between any of them?"

Tony keeps looking through the files, "they seem to be all completely random."

"Well keep looking, there has to be something."

Nat crosses her arms and ponders for a moment then she starts to speak in Russian, "there could be a way we can put a stop to this faster," she begins grabbing the attention of the two other Russian speakers in the room, Steve and Bucky.

Tony rolls his eyes and throws his hands in the air, obviously the 3 of them had talked in Russian around him before and he cant understand them. You turn back around and begin to pour yourself a final shot.

"What do you suggest?" Steve replied in Russian.

Bucky turns around and looks at Natasha with daggers in his eyes, "don't."

Natasha clearly didn't like his response.

"We've sat on this for too long Barnes, Strucker is targeting civilians now...."

Bucky cuts her off, "leave her out of this,"

"This could be our best shot of capturing Strucker and Hydra agents!" she snaps back.

"What am i missing out on here?" Steve says a little lost.

Bucky exhales through his nose to try and calm himself, "Nat's suggesting using her as a double agent." Bucky avoided using your name as not to draw your attention to the conversation.

Steve stands straight and glances over at the back of you, mulling the idea over.

Nat continues to express her idea, "she can be fully connected with us the whole time, Tony can hook her up with an ear piece or a tracker."

Bucky had heard enough, he strides over to Natasha and grabs her by the upper arm. His hand gripped the full circumference of it as he pulled her in closer to him.

"What's wrong with you Barnes?!" she says angrily to him.

"Figure out another way," he growls at her.

Steve places his hand on his friends shoulder, "come on Buck."

Bucky releases Natasha from his grip and looks at Steve with desperation, "you know what she means to me Steve, please don't ask her to do this."

Over the past couple of weeks that you had been with the Avengers you had made a strong connection with Bucky, but neither of you took it any further than flirting. Hearing he had true feelings for you made your heart skip a couple of beats.

Tony finally speaks up, "Would ANYONE like to tell me what's going on?" he says feeling truly left out of the conversation given the scene he just witnessed.

You take the shot of Vodka you poured before speaking, "basically Nat wants me to get kidnapped and go in as a double agent, so i can relay info back to you," you tell him.

All eyes were now fixed on you, "you should really figure out if people can speak the language before deciding to speak about them," you tell them in Russian. You walk to the counter and grab the mini first aid kit Bucky had found for you and head out the door.

Once in your room you take a long hot shower, taking your time to think Nats plan over. Even though you didn't like them talking about you in a language they thought you didn't know, you couldn't deny it could be a good plan.
Calling it a night you put on your black silk night gown and leave your hair damp to air dry for once. Switching on the tv you lounge on your sofa relaxing, until you heard a knock at your door.
You grab a robe off the hook and tie it around you as you open the door, greeted by Bucky on the other side.

You stand looking at him for a moment before he nervously says,
"I just wanted to check that you were okay."

You wait a moment then casually step aside opening the door wider and answer him in Russian, "would you like to come in?"

He followed you to the sofa and sat next to you, "sorry....," he begins but you cut him off.
"Its fine, I get why Nat wanted the conversation to be private," you tell him, "I just wanted to point out that it was rude so I stormed out," you chuckle at your own dramatic behaviour.
He gives you a smile and relaxes back into your chair.
"I don't think I've ever seen you that nervous before. I promise I don't bite, much," you say releasing the tension from the room.

Bucky takes a moment to exhale and smile at your comment before asking, "So where did you learn to speak Russian?"

"School, I took languages as an elective, I can also speak French too," you tell him.

"So you heard and understood everything," he says as a statement rather than a question.

You nod looking at him.

He analyses your face and reaches one of his hands up slowly cupping your chin, running his thumb softly over your lightly bruised face, his eyes wandering to your cut lip.
Your skin tingles under his touch.

"Well the good news is the bruising isn't going to get any worse," he informs you.

You ignore his statement, "what did you mean before....,what you said to Steve?" Your question catches him off guard slightly.

"I told Steve," he pauses hesitant about opening up to you, but it was now or never. "I told him you were the most beautiful woman id ever layed my eyes on and the more time we spent together i could see you were beautiful on the inside too. Your brave, strong, intelligent amongst a myriad of other things," he pauses, "I've seen a lot of bad things in this world and I want to be there to protect you from all of them."

Butterflies erupt in your stomach as your heartbeats faster. You knew yourself that you had strong feelings for Bucky, but you never thought he would return them in kind. You look longingly into his eyes then down to his mouth as you move your lips closer to his. You stop mere centimetres from him and whisper, "I'm all yours."
Bucky swiftly moves his hand and laces it through your hair pulling you closer, closing the gap between the two of you.

Electricity erupts between the two of you as you are locked in a deep passionate kiss.
Reluctantly Bucky pulls away from you giving you both the chance to catch your breaths.

"That was wayyy better than i could imagine," you tell him finally catching your breath.

"You've imagined kissing me before?" Bucky asks intrigued, one eyebrow raised above the other.

You speak in Russian, "don't push your luck," you joke with him.

He kisses your forehead as you snuggle up to him to watch tv.

"I wouldn't dream of it, мой цветок."
(My flower)

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now