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As you walked into the living room you see a person you had yet to meet but before you could introduce yourself they pointed a handgun at you.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! I WILL SHOOT!" The man shouted, you could tell he was nervous.
But the quickness with his gun startled you as you throw your hands up in front of you to show you were unarmed trying ease your assailant. What you didn't expect was the ball of electricity to fly towards your attacker making him pull the trigger of his gun while he dodges out of the way.

A door at the other end of room flies open, you instinctively hold one hand out towards the doors whilst still having the other hand focused on the man who tried to shoot you. Both hands had a ball of electricity ready to be fired at anyone else who would try to attack you. Your breath was hitched and your heart rate was high.

"What the hell is going on up here?" Tony's familiar voice rings through your ears making you a little calmer.

"Don't worry Tony i have the intruder in my sights, everything is under control," the man with the gun explains.

"Put that gun down before you hurt yourself Happy," Tony says as he walks over placing his hand on the gun pointing it to the floor. As Tony walks to Happy, Bucky nearly breaks the door off its hinges as he runs into the room and sees the bullet in the wall beside of you.
He strides over to you looking all over for any signs of injury. He studied you closely, his body inches from yours.

"I heard a gun shot, what happened? Are you hurt?" he asks taking your face in his hand, tilting your chin up.

"I'm okay" you whisper, lost in his worried eyes, "lucky for me he's a terrible shot," you give a half smile trying to relieve the tension in the air.

"HEY!" the man shouts from across the room at hearing your comment.

"Who is she Tony?" Happy asks.

"We found her at Strucker's base? Brought her back here? Shes staying here until she can control her power. Any of this ringing a bell? I swore i ran it past you," Tony lies.

"No Tony you didn't," Happy says whilst holstering his gun and straighten out his suit, "and don't you think, being head of security i should of been informed about this?"

Tony rolls his eyes, "What do you need Happy?"

"The science department wanted me to pass these papers on to you," he says handing Tony a brown envelope.

"Thank you Happy," Tony says patting his friend on the shoulder as he makes his way to the door, "in future i will be sure to tell you about any new recruits we have," Tony shouts after him as the door closes behind him.

Just then Steve and Natasha walk through the door. Bucky hadn't moved far from you, he was still standing in a close proximity almost as if he was being protective of you.

"Whats got Happy all upset?" Natasha asks the room, "he was rambling on about there not being any communication in this place and that he needs a pay rise."

"Its a long story," Tony says shrugging it off and opening your envelope, "lets see what we have here. It seems they've finished analyzing (y/n) blood sample and it looks tooooo beeeeee," Tony drags out his last words.

"Huh, a bad recreation of Barnes's serum, which itself was a bad recreation of his," Tony tells you pointing at Steve.

"So are they saying Dr. List and Strucker are working with Hydra?" Steve asks Tony.

"Its the only explanation as to how they got that kind of formula," Tony replies.

"Dr. List must of tweaked the formula himself to create the catalyst to trigger the mutations," Natasha adds.

"If they are working together it explains why they had a controlled amount of people in the facility," Bucky looks at Steve ,"they were creating an army."

You listen as the team brainstorms around you.

"Why would they gas their army?" Tony wonders.

"They're not ready yet, they would want to wait until they are at their strongest," Bucky informs.

"I'm guessing they didn't count on anyone surviving to give away what they are doing," Steve looks at you with a soft expression, "at least we will of pushed their progression back to square one, now that we have deployed agents into hospitals we have the upper hand at stopping this all together."

"So what do we do now?" you say looking around at all of them.

"We wait," Natasha says as she takes her leather jacket off and sits on the couch.

"We've done all we can for now, as soon as one of our agents gets a positive hit on a Hydra agent, that's when we will step in," Steve tells you.

"Right well, team meeting over," Tony announces, "who wants a few drinks, takeout, maybe a good film?"

"Wait hang on," you hold your hands up, "you said i have a serum like theirs, what does it do?"

"Nothing for you," he says bluntly handing you your file so you could read the rest of your results, "your body didn't retain any of the abilities that Rogers and Barnes have, they tweaked the formula so much that its 2 purpose's were to give you your mutation and to keep you alive whilst doing it, there were very few traces of what was in theirs."

Everything was in that file, your full name, age, eye color, hair color, height, weight. Where you were born, where you had come from, your time with Strucker.
"How did you get all this info on me from just a blood sample?" you ask.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y scanned you when we first brought you here, and some we had to piece together, just as a precaution," Tony informs.

You hand your file back to Tony a little uneasy knowing they had all that info on you.

"I will take another look at those later," Tony mumbles to himself placing the file on the counter, "right, who wants food?"

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now