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Whilst everyone slept you lay on your bed waiting for any sign of Ryder returning. That's when you heard him stumble into his room, you jump from your bed and go to see if he's okay.
He had left his door slightly open, you push it open slowly, "Ryder?"

That's when you see him sitting half slumped in his chair, holding his ribs with one hand, his face was bruised and his brow and hair were  drenched in sweat.

You close the door behind you, grabbing a cloth you run it under the tap kneel down beside him, washing the blood and sweat from his face, "what happened?"

He half laughs and winces in pain, "lets just say Karpov wasn't too happy that I lost the fight."

"I'm so sorry," you apologise again.

Its quiet for a moment, then Ryder starts to break down, tears falling from his face onto his blood soaked t-shirt, "i can't do this anymore (y/n)."

"Heyyyy, it's okay," you tell him as you take your hand to his cheek wiping his tears with your thumb.

"No, it's not! They should of just left me for dead," he tells you as he grabs his side.

It hurt you to see him like this, he was always the one to keep you strong when you felt like there was no hope in the world. Now it was your turn, "listen," you whisper, "just stay strong for another couple for days for me?"

He looks at you, "what's the point?" he says truly defeated.

You didn't want to say too much incase anyone overheard your conversation.

"I have a place to go on the outside where it doenst have to be like this, I can get us both out of here, I just need you to be strong for another couple of days," you plead with your friend.

He looks at you a little confused but now with a small glimpse of hope in his eyes, "okay," he replies wiping the tears from his face.

"Will you be okay tonight?" you ask as you help him get up from his chair to escort him to his bed.

He gives you a nod of his head.

As you open his room you see Olivia walking away from your bedroom door towards hers.
"Oh hi," she says innocently.

You look at her one eyebrow slightly raised, "can i help you?"

She stopped trying to think of something to say, "erm, no I, erm just wanted to see if you were fitting in okay, or if you needed anything? Maybe just a chat?"

"I'm good thanks," you tell her highly suspicious of her motives.

She just nods her head and gives a weak smile before heading into her room.
You get into yours and search the place for bugs, like Natasha had shown you once before. When you were fairly satisfied there was nothing wrong you finally let yourself rest.


Morning came and your first agenda was to check on Ryder, that was the plan until Olivia came running into your room, thinking the worst your body tensed ready to fight. But she was panicked and scared.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," she paces in your room.

"Whats wrong?" you ask highly confused.

She continued to talk in panicked whispers, like a she was verbalizing her stream of thought, "they took us last night, I've seen what they do to people, i cant live like that, i don't want to live like that, i had to escape, please you have to help me!"

"Whoa, hey, look at me," she stopped in her tracks did as you asked, "take a deep breath."
You inhale and exhale leading her in doing the same, but it only worked for a fraction of a second.

"They did it to Noah, then Ben, I was next, oh God their screams, I can't stop hearing them."

"What happened, what did they do?" you push her looking to get your answers, but she was terrified. Just then she had a lightbulb moment.

"I can show you, my powers, I have the ability to see memories and transfer mine to others."

You take a small step back, your training told you this could be a set up.

Olivia starts to walk towards you holding out the palm of her hand, she pleads with you, "Ryder isn't the person you think he is, he's changed too, I saw it in Struckers memories."

You couldn't help but feel like she was telling the truth, you walk towards her with your hand cautiously reaching for hers.

Just then a loud piercing sound rang in your ears and a warm liquid sprinkled onto the left side of your face as your eyes blink open Olivia falls lifelessly to the floor revealing Ryder in the door way.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now