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Once the van stops your dragged out of the back and led inside, you are patted down and searched for any weapons once you were cleared your cuffs are taken off and the cloth is removed from your head as your pushed into your cell.

"I hope you understand sweetheart but we gotta keep you in here, just to be sure," he winks at you.

"No problem," you smile knowing the mistake they had just made, which would play to your advantage later.

The guy blows you a kiss, "get comfortable, Strucker will see you when hes good and ready," he tells you as he walks off.

You turn around an analyze the rest of your cell, it reminded you of the old ones but with less damp. Deciding to show that you wanted to be there you lay on the stone slab of a bed and "got comfortable".

They left you there for the rest of the night with the occasional guard checking on you. It must of been about mid day when your mission truly began. You pretended that you hadn't heard them outside the door or that they were walking up to your cell.

"Welcome back 28."
A name you never thought you would hear again.

You get up of your stone bed and walk over to the glass cell wall, you see the guy who had put you in there and the man that once brought pain and fear to your body, Strucker.

"Cole tells me you wanted to join us again?"

You make eye contact trying to look vulnerable, "i have no place in the outside world anymore, this is where i belong. I've learned to fend for myself and control my powers and i think i could be a great asset to your team."

Strucker ponders for a moment seemingly believing your words, "I'm sure we could put you through the ranks again see how much of an asset you could be."

"I wont let you down," you say with fake pride.

"I know you won't because if you step out of line or if we detect ANY foul play we will kill you," Strucker says straight to the point.

You nod your head in acknowledgement, "If i was here under false pretense i would of burned this place to the ground last night," you tell Strucker as you place your hand on the electric door creating enough electricity for it to slide open enabling you to walk out.
"if Cole is one of your best, then I'm pretty certain id rank above him by the end of the day," you say with sass.

Cole goes to take a step towards you but Strucker stops him even though he was visibly pissed off that he had put you in an electric cell,
"Cole is one of my best recruiters, not one of my fighters, oh no I'm sure our fighters will give you more of a challenge," his expression elated when using the term fighters.
"Let us take a walk to the training room shall we?" Strucker leads the way followed by you then Cole.

You survey your surroundings secretively as you go. Strucker continues to talk, "alot of things have changed since you were last with us, operations are running 10 fold now we have perfected our activator. We also have a new stage in our program, which you will do once you have proved to me that you are a skilled fighter both in combat and powers."

He opens the door to a florescently lit gymnasium where a handful of people were training, "this will be the team you train with, your group will be assessed in 48 hours," Strucker smiles as he delivered you the short deadline, which wouldn't be a problem for you. You step in and the door closes behind you, no one stopped what they were doing to look at you. Two guys were sparring, and a guy and girl could be seen talking and laughing with each other at the far back of the room.

The girl laughing catches your eye and whispers to her friend, "who's that?"

The guy turns his head to look in your direction, "no way," he whispers.

A tornado of emotions swirls inside you when you see his face, "Ryder?" you half whisper to yourself in disbelief, tears pool in your eyes as you run towards each other.
You crash together in a tight hug, "is it really you?" you ask in shock.

"It's me," he replies, still not letting you go.

"But i thought?" you start.

"Shhh its okay, I'm here now," he smiles as he pulls away from the hug to wipe the tear from your face.

You smile back at him still unable to understand how Ryder was standing in front of you.

"Im so happy your back, i thought id never see you again. Come on let me show you around," he drapes his arm over your shoulders as he walks you out of the gym.

"This is the lounge and kitchen, oh and our rooms are down that corridor, there's an empty one at the end of the hall that you can take."

You didn't want to interrogate your friend but he might be your best bet finding out what Struckers plan is, so you begin to ask indirect questions, "Wow Strucker really upgraded you guys."

Ryder looks around, "yeah its better than our old digs, he wants the best for his elites."

"Elites huh?" you ask seemingly impressed.

"Yeah, the others and myself have aced everything that Strucker and Karpov have taught us."
Karpov is a name you had never heard before.

"Well I've got alot to prove then haven't I," you say with a little fake nervousness in your voice.

"So do you ha.....," with the flow of the conversation you were going to try and catch Ryder off guard and ask if him and the others had enhancements, but before you could you are cut short by the girl and the two males walking through the door.

"Here, let me introduce you to everyone," Ryder offers.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now