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You wake to the feeling of soft fabric against your body as you open your eyes you realise your clutching one of your pillows close to you.

"Damn," you whisper to yourself. It would of been better to wake up next to Bucky but you knew he wouldn't stay without your permission, even if it was just sleeping in your room on the sofa fully clothed.

Last night replays in your mind making you smile like a kid on their birthday who had gotten all the presents they asked for.
It felt like you were on a permanent high as you get ready and head down for breakfast.

Walking into the kitchen you see Bucky preparing to make breakfast. You spring yourself up onto the counter and sit near him, "hey you," you say unable to contain your smile.

"Morning, beautiful did you sleep well?" Bucky asks you, "you fell asleep pretty quick."

"WHHHHAAAATTTT????!!" a loud scream was heard followed by Tony popping his head up from the sofa he was laying on.

His response made you jump, "Jesus Gramps, you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

"ME? Give YOU a heart attack? After what i just heard?" he exaggerates.

"What's with all the shouting?" Steve asks as he walks through the door with Natasha.

"That's it Rogers, we've lost her, she's gone to the dark side," he jokingly says laying back down, "I thought you were more of a Steve girl myself."

"What Tony means is Bucky and I are kind of seeing each other, like in a relationship kind of way," you say to Bucky rather than to the team, watching his reaction as you said the word relationship. He couldn't help but smile and wink, making your heart skip.

"Well, I'm happy for the both of you," Steve replies giving his best friend a man hug.

Natasha walks up to you, "I want to apologize for yesterday."

"No need," you were not too sure how Bucky would react to your next words but you couldn't let yourself sit idly by whilst Strucker and Hydra made an army, "I think it's a great idea."

Everyone looked at you, with Tony popping back up into view.
"I thought about it last night, I'm your best bet of getting in and onside with Strucker enough to get intel on his plans. You four would be recognized instantly and anyone else would be experimented on, since i already have powers and training i should be okay," you explain.

"And what if your not okay?" Bucky points out.

"Then we extract her, as long as we know where she is," Steve adds to the conversation.

"And how do we do that? She can't be found with coms on her, that just puts her in more danger," Bucky disputes.

"I'm sure i could make you some sort of finger print activated tracker for her, disguise it as a piece of jewelry, a necklace maybe?" Tony joins in.

"How soon can you have that done?" you ask Tony.

He shrugs his shoulders, "I dunno, a couple of hours?"

"Cool then we can do this tonight then?" You ask looking around at everyone.

"No," Bucky puts simply.

"Bucky I....," you started but he cuts you off.

"I know there's no changing your mind on this. Just give me 24 hours with you, let me train with you so I know, for my own sanity that your prepared before going in."

You look up at him, "sure, anything you want to put your mind at ease."

"Natasha, can you help with training? I need to watch her spar with someone to analyze her patterns."

"Yeah I can do that," Natasha replies.

"Okay, 24 hours it is," Steve confirms.


Bucky stands on the side lines watching you and the black widow fight. Just before Nat would get the upper hand he would ask you both to stop and hold position if possible.
He would then run through different counter or defensive strategies you could do to stop her.

"You know I could just zap her until she's unconscious right?" You tell him trying to catch your breath.

"What if there's an enhanced that attacks you that's not fazed by electricity?" he asks, "your going to have to rely on your fighting and weaponry skills."

"Good point," you agree, still trying to catch your breath.

"I think we are done here Natasha, thank you for your help."

"Anytime," she smiles before heading out of the training room.

"So how did i do?" you ask him.

"Let me show you one more thing and then i will be satisfied," he offers.

Bucky shows you some moves with a blade, in case you cant get a gun and you have to use the first thing you find.

"Now try that move on me," he orders you.

You copy the move he just showed you, grabbing the blade from him effortlessly you hold it to his neck and cock a smile at your triumph. Lowering the dagger Bucky reaches for it disarming you then spins you around pinning you to the wall. His body close you yours, his hands positioned either side of your head, blocking you from escaping, "Never let your guard down," he whispers mockingly.

"Maybe i wanted to," you smirk before using your tip toes to get up high enough to kiss him. Your kiss was deep and passionate, your arms locked behind his head as your fingers ran through his hair. Using your strength you jump onto him wrapping your legs around his torso. Bucky's hands caress your thighs as he catches you, your back pressed up against the wall. The kiss becomes more heated, "let's take this upstairs," you tell Bucky.

Experiment 28 (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now