3. Terms & Conditions

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I let out a deep breath as I laid Ellie down on her bed. This was not how I was expecting my night to go. I was hoping to find Lydia in her dorm and pretty much grovel for forgiveness. I was not planning to find her at a frat party and I was not expecting to get kicked in the groin.

After everything that happened on our road trip, I signed Lydia up for self defense classes and she was all for it. Clearly, they had been paying off. I definitely did not expect to have to help Lydia rescue her roommate from those two assholes.

I didn't actually record them, but they didn't know that. I did take their pictures, though. If a time came and I did hear about them trying this shit again, I knew what they look like and I had evidence.

I sat on Lydia's bed and waited patiently while she took off Ellie's shoes and put a cool washcloth on her forehead. Lydia really was the most caring and loving person I had ever met besides my mother.

The women I dated before Lydia always seemed to be more interested in the amount of money I was making rather than the person I was. Lydia was a different story completely. For God's sake, she wouldn't even let me help pay for her tuition or her dorm room. She wanted to be independent, and I admired that about her.

As if satisfied for now with Ellie, Lydia started walking across the room towards me. There was a partition in the middle of the room for privacy and she expanded it. I got to my feet as she came to stand in front of me and I pulled her into a hug.

She tightened her arms around me and side into my chest. "Thank you," she breathed.

"For what?" I asked.

She stepped back a little to look up at me, but kept her arms around my waist. "For coming here and for helping me with Ellie."

This was one of the many reasons I loved her. "Babe, you don't have to thank me. For anything. I love you."

"I love you, too," she said with a smile.

I held up the Chinese food in my hand. "Hungry?"

"I'm starving," she replied and grabbed the food from me. "I'll go heat this up and be right back."

I slept my shoes off and shrugged off my jacket while I waited for her. I hung my jacket on the back of her chair at her desk and I caught some of her new paintings that were spread out. She really was talented. I knew her dream was to have her own art studio one day and I could see that happening.

I smiled as I remember the conversation clearly when we first talked about it. Lydia had terms and conditions for everything.

"So, what's your plan after you graduate?" I asked as I looked through the different college brochures she had.

"I really want to have my own art studio. I want a space where I can show off my work and other people's work. I want to help them get discovered."

I sat down the brochures and walked up behind her. I slid my arms around her waist as she Googled something on her phone. "You know, there is an easier way to get your studio started..."

"No," she said in a stern voice as she turned around to face me. "You are not allowed to buy me a studio."

"Okay," I said and she must have caught on to what I was thinking.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You are also not allowed to rent, sublease, or otherwise spend money with the intent of me getting a studio. Understood?"

"Lydia, I just want you to have what makes you happy. If I can provide that for you, why not?"

She cupped the side of my face and gave me a smile. "I know you do. But I don't want to take the easy way or any shortcuts. I want to earn this for myself. That will make me happy."

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