33. Leverage

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"It's done."

"Good,"  I replied shortly and hung up my phone.

When I realized that Maria never came back to her hotel room, I knew the unfortunate truth. The police knew I was here in the city, and they were going to try to keep the two most important women in my life away from me.

That was their first mistake. By choosing to do this, they gave me no choice but to retaliate. Even though I was new to New York City, it was relatively easy to find someone I could hire to build a bomb for me. That's what the phone call I just got was about. I hired a man to plant a bomb in Lydia's so-called boyfriends apartment building.

Caring was always her weakness. It was Maria's, too. I didn't know which one was going to show up at the gallery, but if either one of them knew that there were innocent lives at stake, they would do what I told them. Especially if one or more of those lives happened to be someone they cared about.

Another update about Ryan Sweeney came on the TV and caught my attention. I was hoping he would either die or not wake up from the coma. Even though the surveillance didn't pick up my face, he sure got a clear shot of it. If he wakes up, he could talk.

I just finished writing the letter I was planning on leaving for Lydia at the gallery. I knew better than to show up there myself. At least where they could see me. No, I was going to be waiting in the back for them. The letter basically stated that they needed to exit the back of the gallery, get in my car, or I would detonate the bomb. I also added in a little bonus. I happened to mention that I had eyes on their surveillance van, which I didn't, but they didn't know that. It was just a little extra insurance.

After all, I was desperate. Desperate to see the woman I loved again. Desperate to see my daughter. I didn't have much time left, and if I wanted to make amends, I needed to do it now. I had barely three months before I was going to die from this illness. I wanted to take this chance to make everything right.

I grabbed the keys to the rental car I'm using and left my hotel room. I started driving towards the gallery and tried to go over the plan in my head. I was supposed to meet a woman at the gallery who was going to give the letter to Lydia. I found a woman on Craigslist, which was another thing I learned when I got out of prison. People will do anything for cash.

Thankfully, it didn't take me long to get there. I saw her standing by the back door and pulled up beside the curb. I got up out of the car and handed her an envelope with cash and the letter.

"This is only half," she complained when she counted it.

"You'll get the rest once it's done."

She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to out up a strong front. "How can I trust you?"

"Don't. You shouldn't trust anyone. But it's the best I can do."

"Fine," she sneered and went inside.

Instead of getting back in my car right away, I went around the corner where I would still be out of direct eye line. I waited here a good hour before I saw Maria and Lydia walking towards the entrance of the gallery. I felt my heart skip a beat when I roamed my eyes over Maria. I couldn't believe she was here. When I got arrested, I thought I would never see her again.

I never thought I would see Lydia again either. When she showed up that day to ask me questions about Maria, it was like I got hit by a truck. I hadn't seen my daughter since that night. I felt regret and shame when she turned her back and walked away. That was one of the reasons I was standing here right now.

After they disappeared inside the gallery, I walked back to my car and waited outside. It should only be about twenty or so minutes before they come out of that back door.

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