5. Distractions

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I waited patiently outside of Lydia's dorm. I picked up food on the way over here for our lunch date. Every Thursday we always had lunch. It was just a weekly thing that started on its own.

Sometimes our schedules got so chaotic, or she was out of town visiting her brother, that sometimes we didn't see each other for days. This was a good way to make sure we saw each other at least once a week.

When she finally opened the door, she surprised me by grabbing my shirt, pulling me inside, and locking the door behind her. She attacked my mouth with hers and I nearly got lost to the feel of her hands on my shoulders as her tongue stroked mine. Before I was completely gone, I pulled away. "Wait, the food."

She grabbed the bag of food and set it on the table before turning to me with a sultry smile. She and I have had a lot of sex, but this was completely out of character for her. I was usually the one who took control. Even though she was comfortable with me, she still let her shyness and nervousness get the best of her sometimes.

"The food can wait. I can't." She pulled her shirt over her head as she closed the distance between us. She slid her hands under my jacket and pushed it from my shoulders. "I want you, Sean."

Well, she didn't have to tell me twice. Even though something deep inside me told me that something wasn't right, I couldn't resist her. I pulled her lips to mine and she moaned into my mouth. I felt her hands work the button and zipper of my jeans. She pulled away long enough to push them down my legs. She captured my mouth again as she led me to her bed. She gently pushed me to sit on the mattress when came up behind me.

She took a few steps back and flashed me a smile that nearly make me come; and I wasn't even inside her yet. She unsnapped her bra before tossing it to me. She continued with seductively removing her pants and panties. She sauntered over to me before straddling my waist.

"Is it my birthday?" I quipped. This definitely wasn't like her. But it was sexy as hell. Nothing in the world could have interrupted us.

She laughed as she slid her wet heat against my hard length and I groaned. "Why? Should I stop now and wait until your birthday?"

She made a move to get off my lap and I held her by her thighs. "Don't even think about it."

She smiled as she lifted her hips and guided me inside her. We moaned in unison as I felt her body adjust to me filling her. Her eyes met mine before she gave me deep kiss and started working her body against mine. She started out slow at first until she found a rhythm she like. My arms wound around her waist, trying to pull her closer against me. I kissed a path from her mouth, to her jaw, to her neck.

Lost in the sensations, her head fell back. I took advantage and took her nipple into my mouth. She buried her hand in my hair, urging me for more. "Oh, God. Sean..."

Fuck, I loved her. There was no one else like her. The first time we slept together, I knew that she was it for me. Hell, even before that I knew. She just fit so perfectly against me. I never enjoyed sex with anyone else as much as I did with Lydia. Overwhelmed with need for her, I wrapped my arm around her back as I flipped us over on the bed; pinning her beneath me.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, trying to pull me deeper inside of her. I cupped the side of her face and gave her a nice, deep kiss. I slowed my thrusts to a torturous pace as I whispered in her ear, "I should repay you for that little show you put on for me."

"How's that?" She moaned as she bit down on her bottom lip.

Without answering her, I pulled out of her heat and kissed my way down her body. I took my time and I knew it drove her crazy. I traced my tongue around her belly button, and I watched as she gripped the sheets and looked down at me with want.

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