7. A Night to Savor

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"Admit it, you're lost," Lydia accused me from the passenger seat.

"We aren't lost, Lydia."

"Right. So we're 'turned around'," she said with air quotes. I laughed as I remembered the occasion she was referencing.

When we were on our road trip, we stopped in North Carolina to go to the State Park. I actually did get us lost, but I was too embarrassed to admit it. Lydia definitely called me out on it.

"I promise I'm not lost. Will be there in about ten minutes," I assured her.

"Good. I can't wait," she said with a smile.

I couldn't wait either. I was glad to get away with her for a couple days. I was still getting over the shock of the bombshell she dropped on me when she came over yesterday. I knew she was upset about something, but I never thought it would be something like that.

I could imagine what she went through when she received that letter. She was finally getting her life on track and then she gets something like that in the mail. She owed almost eight thousand dollars to her old landlord. If what she told me is true, and her landlord didn't give her a court-ordered eviction, then there was a good chance my lawyer could get this dismissed for her. Hell, if that was the case, he might be able to even press charges against the landlord himself.

We'll be able to know more once my lawyer looks over everything on Monday. I was able to make us an appointment for the early morning and, against every instinct in my body, I promised Lydia that she could pay for it. If there were any charges, of course.

Normally it would take more convincing from her to allow me to let her pay for something like that, but after talking to her brother, I understood her a little better. She didn't really feel in control of her life before she met me, and she doesn't want to feel like that again.

I didn't want her to feel that way again, either. She has made so much progress in the eight months we've been together. I've never been more proud of her.

Lydia gasped as we pulled up in front of the antique cabin. Sitting on three acres in Upstate New York, privacy wasn't going to be an issue while we were here. This was just what Lydia and I needed. Some time together alone in this romantic cabin, away from our jobs and reality.

"This place is beautiful," she said as she got out of the car. I watched as she took in the picturesque cabin. It had two floors and a wrap-around porch. The upstairs had a balcony connected to the master bedroom with a hot tub. In the large backyard, there was a fire pit with chairs surrounding it. "How did you find this place?" She asked. 

I walked around the car and slid my hands around her waist, giving her a light kiss on the lips before I explained, "After my parents died, I wanted to-- I don't know, getaway I guess. I found this place and stayed here for a few weeks. I just wanted to try to clear my head." 

I glanced at the cabin, and the memories it brought back. Lydia rested her hand on my chest. "Sean, if this is too much fo--"

"No," I interrupted, "it's good that we're here. We need to open up more to each other. Even with the things that hurt." 

My breath nearly stopped when she looked up at me. She had so much love in her eyes and I felt lucky every time she looked at me that way.

"Well," she started as she glanced to the cabin, "how about we go inside and I cook you a romantic dinner?"

My mouth lifted in a half smile. "Are you going to wear a little apron while you cook?"

She raised a brow at my question. "Maybe, guess you'll just have to see."

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