18. Welcome to the Big Apple

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Washington State Penitentiary

Walla Walla, Washington
February 11, 2020

"Mr. Preston, it says here you have applied for a Compassionate Release based on the fact that you have a terminal illness. Is that correct?"

"Yes," I answered immediately. It took forever to get this fucking hearing. I barely had any time left as it was.

"If it is granted, how do you plan to spend your time?"

"With my family." Mainly one person.

They talked quietly for a long while. Going over my history in prison and whether or not I would be a danger to anyone.

"Mr. Preston. If we approve this, do you agree to follow the rules of your parole?"

"Yes, I will."

More whispering for another ten fucking minutes. Christ, make up your fucking minds.

"We have made our decision. In the case of Johnathon Preston, parole granted."

I couldn't hide my smile of satisfaction as I was escorted back to my cell. I had been waiting so long for this, for a chance to get out of this hellhole and try to share things with my estranged daughter.

I actually started the process a few months before she even came to see me. After I saw both Lydia and Michael, I was even more determined to get out. Contrary to what many people believe, I actually cared about my kids. I may have made some mistakes, horrible ones, but now I wanted to try to make it right before I died.

Even though I said these things, and I wanted them to be true, I couldn't stop wondering who the mystery guy was that showed up with Michael. I could only assume it was either a friend of his, or a boyfriend of Lydia's. She wasn't the relationship type. The thought of her committed to somebody rubbed me the wrong way. I'm her father, I should be the only man in her life besides her brothers.

Well, I guess I'll find out once I get out of here. I had reached out to some of my connections on the streets. They were able to tell me that Lydia was now living in New York, but I didn't know precisely where yet. I'm not surprised that she moved to the other side of the country to get away from me.

My connection was also able to tell me that Michael is living in San Francisco. As much as I wanted to reconnect with my son, I knew that if I went to him first he would immediately call Lydia. If he did that, it would ruin the surprise. I didn't want to cause any more problems for her, I simply wanted to mend our broken relationship. I'm reformed; I'm a better man than I was when I got in here. I just needed to make her see that.

Since I knew my other son Alex was overseas in the Army, there was only one other person I had any interest in seeing. Dr. Maria Sinclair, head of cardiothoracic surgery at St. Vincent Hospital East Pavilion.

It didn't surprise me that she became an accomplished doctor. Ever since the day I met her, she told me it was her dream to save lives. It was one of the things that drew me to her. I knew what everyone said about my relationship with her, but they were wrong. We were in love. Hell, I still loved her. I may have married Tahlia, but I never got over Maria. It was one of the reasons why I decided to take over raising Lydia.

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