25. Wanted: Jonathon Preston

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My heart nearly stopped as soon as I recognized Lydia's dad. "No fucking way!" How could this happen? He was supposed to be behind bars on the other side of the country.

"Who is it?" Caffrey asked when he came to stand beside us. Even though he helped us out with James and PSYCHO Amy, he didn't know anything about Lydia's father.

None of us could answer him. We were all stunned into silence. How could we not be? This was the man that had a part in ruining clear your childhood, not to mention sometimes even wanting her nightmares. I could still here The bone-chilling scream that would come from her when she we lived one of the torturers moments of her childhood.

I immediately looked at Lydia and I got strange Deja Vu to that night in San Francisco. Her eyes were darting around the room and she put her hand to her chest like she couldn't breathe.

"Lydia, can you hear me?" 

She didn't respond and I knew that probably having another panic attack. Almost as if on cue, I saw her legs start to give out under her.

"Catch her!" Maria yeah well then try to reach for Lydia. Luckily, I was already on top of it and scooped her up so she didn't hit her head on the floor. Again.

"Should I call 9-1-1?"
"Is she alright?"

Caffrey and Maria started asking questions at the same time. Growing up with my mom has a nurse had its benefits. Luckily, I could tell Lydia is pulse was nice and steady. No need for alarm. Should be waking up in just a few minutes. Fainting spells didn't happen that often, but they seem to be reoccurring when Lydia gets extremely scared.

After I made sure she was comfortable, I turned around hoping I could answer as many questions for Maria and Caffrey as I could. Whatever we could do to get this bastard back behind bars and far away from Lydia.

"Guys, settle down. Let's go into the other room and we can talk about this." They followed me out of my bedroom and back into my office.

I wasn't surprised when Maria was the first this week. Even though Lydia seemed unable to believe it, I knew how much we really loved her daughter. She was just as scared as I was. "How is she? I should go check on her."

"Wait. It's okay. She just fainted. This has happened before." I placed my hands gently on her shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Take a deep breath. We have a lot to talk about."

"Let's start by you guys telling me who the hell this man is? Clearly, you three know him." Caffrey's tone was edgy with a hint of anger. Not surprising, knowing the FBI agent for who he was.

I ran my hands through my hair anxiously as I met his stare. "That man on the camera surveillance footage, and the one who beat up Ryan Sweeney, is Lydia's father. Jonathan Preston."

Caffrey's face twisted in confusion. "Her father?" Cafe glanced in between Maria and myself with narrowed eyes. "Why do I get the feeling that Lydia's dad isn't father of the year?"

I closed my eyes tight as I started to explain, "He was serving a life sentence in a prison in Washington State. I don't know how the hell he got out, or when. I have no idea why he's here. But we need to figure that out, because I know it has something to do with Lydia. And she's in danger."

"What was he in prison for?" Caffrey asked as the cop in him took over and he started to write down notes.

Maria spoke this time. "He tried to kill Lydia's stepmother. Lydia has the one who called the police on him. And he also--" Maria's voice broke on a sob and she couldn't finish her sentence. I knew she was going to say and I completely understood why she couldn't. I pulled her into a comforting hug.

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