32. Gone

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"Why isn't she answering, Caffrey? Why isn't she answering!" We listened to Lydia and Maria go into the gallery. We overheard as she first talked to her professor, then the first buyer. Then when she walked over to the second buyer, the signal cut out. 

Caffrey had to force me to stay in the van. I wanted to run in there and make sure she was all right, but he wouldn't let me. He said I could be putting her in more danger by doing that.

My gut instinct told me that something happened. There's no reason for the mic to cut out like that. My head was swimming with different possibilities while I absently heard Caffery in the background trying to get updates from his undercover agents inside.

Michael was sitting next to me and his expression mirrored my own. He knew something wasn't right here. He gave me a single nod and I knew exactly what he was trying to say. Pulling out my phone I hit send on the pre-typed text to Anne. 

"We need to get in there," I demanded and Caffrey said something into the receiver. 

Caffrey got to his feet and finally turned to acknowledge Michael and I. "There's no sign of them." He gave both of us a pointed look. "I know there isn't a chance in hell of getting you guys to stay here, so I'm going to say this once: stay behind me. No matter what. Got it?" 

"Got it," we answered at the same time. Trying to resist the urge to pick up my phone and call her cell phone was unbearable. I knew something was wrong. This felt like a bad idea from the start.

Michael and I followed Caffrey into the gallery. We did as he said and stayed behind him as he moved towards the last place Lydia and Maria were seen. The closer we got, the more I knew that she was gone already. He had taken her and there wasn't anything I could do to stop it.

"Fuck," Caffrey yelled as we reached the back door. The back door that was completely wide open. No Maria or Lydia in sight.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Michael lunge at Caffrey. He fisted shirt and pushed him up against the wall. "What the fuck, Caffrey! Where is my sister?"

I placed my hand on Mike's arm. As much as I wanted to punch Caffrey one good one, he was a federal agent. When we got Lydia back, and we would, I don't think she would be too happy if her brother was in jail for assault.

"Let go, Mike. Come on."

Caffrey straightened his tie when Michael let him go. Michael turned away and ran his hands over his face. "Listen to me," Caffrey said, "we will get them back. I promise. We need to look around and see if there's anything that can help us find them. Lydia is a smart girl. Maybe she left something behind."

We all started looking around, and the frustration seemed to grow as nothing turned up. I was starting to lose my fucking mind. The woman I loved, and her mother, were held at the whim of a psychopath right now.

I checked my phone again, hoping Anne has gotten back to me. Nothing yet. Christ, we needed something. Anything.

"Over here," an agent called. He handed the piece of paper to Caffrey. "That was tucked under the placemat here. It was definitely put there to be hidden."

Caffrey started reading over the paper and I tried my best to remain calm. Honestly, I did. "Well? What does it say?"

When Caffrey looked up at me, I knew I wasn't going to like whatever was written on that paper. Instead of answering my question, simply held it out for me to read.

Michael looked over my shoulder and we both read it. As I read it all the way down to the bottom, it only confirmed what I already knew. He had taken them. He also apparently had threatened the life of me, Michael, and everyone she cared about. I felt a hint of anger that she would risk her life and go with him. But she was Lydia. The woman I fell in love with would do something like that; and I would do the same for her.

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