12. Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day- Tony & Tina's Pizzeria

"So, are you excited?" Sean asked me as I took another bite of my Vodka Sauce Pasta with Chicken.

Today was the big day. Valentine's Day. Since I've never celebrated Valentine's day before, it took a little convincing from Sean to get me to agree to let him take me out tonight. My one condition was that we'd go to my favorite restaurant.

He still couldn't believe that my favorite restaurant was literally a hole in the wall pizza place in the Bronx. What could I say? The food was delicious, it was family-owned, and it wasn't one of those stuffy restaurants full of uptight people trying to show off how much money they had.

We first came to Tony and Tina's Pizzeria after our return back to New York City. It was actually by chance that we even ended up in the Bronx. We were taking the subway somewhere on a date night and we were so tired that day that we both fell asleep. When he woke up, we were in the Bronx and very confused.

We decided to walk around for a little while and get something to eat, trying to make the most of it. That's when I pointed to this pizza shop and convinced him to try it. It became a frequent date night spot for us and he's grown to love it.

"Yes, I'm excited," I answered. Two of my paintings is going to be featured in an art show being held at the NYU campus in a couple weeks. I was honestly ecstatic; but I was also freaking out about it.

"And nervous?" He prodded.

I met his stare. I had to say, over the past six months, Sean was probably the one person who knew the real me. I started a relationship with my birth mother and estranged brother Michael, but it was different. Sean knew every little deep dark secret I had and it helped us grow closer. Well, he knew almost all of them.

"Of course I'm nervous," I replied with a sigh.

"Don't be. It's going to be amazing." When I rolled my eyes, he added, "Babe, I'm serious. You are a terrific painter and I'm not the only one who's told you that."

That was true. My art Professor told me a few times that I had natural talent and she had big hopes for me. She was the one who entered one of my paintings in the contest to make it into the art show.

When I noticed Sean start tapping his fingers on the table, I changed the subject. "Why are you nervous?"

He frowned. "Me? I'm not."

I arched a brow. "You've been tapping your fingers on the table since we got here. What are you anxious about?"

He let out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."

"Okay, well I'm done. Do you want to head to your place? I have a surprise for you." I said with a sultry smile. I actually bought a new lingerie outfit for tonight that I was excited to show him. It took me awhile to get used to that. Before Sean, I was never really with anyone else and definitely never wore lingerie.

The corners of his mouth turned up, "I won't say no to that."

We threw our trash away and started walking towards the nearest Subway when he suddenly pulled me to a stop on the sidewalk. "Wait," he said and I turned towards him. "I, um-- I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times, clearly having trouble trying to find the words to ask me whatever the question was. When his eyes met mine, dread ran through me. Oh, God...He wasn't going to ask what I think he was going to ask, was he? I mean we haven't even been together that long. That would explain why he's been acting weird all day.

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