24. Identifying The Villain

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"Lydia, are you sure you're okay?"

I glanced to Maria and shrugged my shoulder. Was I okay? Not really. Even though Sean was in the clear regarding the assault on Ryan Sweeny, someone at that gallery decided to take it upon themselves to defend my honor. Question was...which sicko was it? Sean was at his apartment with Caffrey looking over surveillance footage. They offered for me to join them, but I didn't want to cancel on Maria.

"Lydia, I know something is wrong. You keep checking your phone and biting your nails. What's going on?"

I cursed as I put my hand down. I might as well tell her. She was going to find out soon anyway. "Okay, just don't...freak out." I let out a long breath. "Over the past week or so, I've been getting calls from a blocked number."

Maria's brows dropped into a deep V. "Like a stalker?"

I brushed my hair out of my face. We were sitting outside of a cafe in the city getting some lunch. It was windy today, and I made the mistake of wearing my hair down. "At first, I thought it was nothing. When I told Sean about it, he got worried and insisted on tracing the number to find out who it was."

"Did he find out who the caller was?"

Her voice held so much worry and concern in it, I was surprised that I liked that feeling. I was getting more and more comfortable around her, and the fact that she was worried about me made me feel like I really did have more family then just Sean and Michael.

"Yes. Do you remember Agent Caffrey?"

Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of Caffrey's name. I'm sure she remembered that day in Portland just as clearly as the rest of us.

"Yes, I do. What does he have to do with this?"

More than you think. "Well, he's the one that Sean asked to trace the call. He was able to find out that the caller's name was Ryan Sweeney." I know she wouldn't have recognized the name, so after a moment I explained, "A couple weeks ago, Ellie and I went to a fraternity party. We always go together to keep an eye on one another. Two guys drugged Ellie's drink and dragged her to their dorm room. Thankfully, Sean got there and he helped me get her out of there and take her home. Well apparently, one of those jock's name is Ryan Sweeney. We can only assume it was because Sean embarrassed him that night. Maybe he was trying to freak me out or something."

"Okay," she mumbled as she tried to process everything I was telling her. "There's more, isn't there?"

I glanced away briefly as I sat up straighter in my chair. "Last night at the art show, Shawn told me who the caller was. Well, this morning Agent Caffrey showed up at Sean's apartment."

"Why is Caffrey here?" I didn't miss the surprise in her voice.

"Someone jumped Ryan Sweeney last night and beat him to the point of a coma. He's still in the hospital and it's not looking good. When Caffrey showed up, Sean and I thought he suspected one of us. He had already looked at the footage from the art show and was able to see that there was no way we could have done this."

"Of course not! What happened to that boy is horrible, but neither you or Sean would do something like that!"

I wasn't surprised by her statement. She knew Sean wouldn't do something like this.

"What is Caffrey going to do now? How is he going to find out who is responsible?"

"Well, the only time Ryan Sweeney's name was mentioned around other people, is when Sean told me at the art show. So, agent Caffrey is convinced that someone who attended the art show may be responsible. They're looking over surveillance now to see if Sean noticed anyone who may be familiar or who could have been involved."

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